
To party or not to party??? ?

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This weekend I have plans for my daughter's third birthday party. I have it planned for Sunday, but as it's looking we may be threatened by a hurricane. Because I don't know exactly when it will be making landfall, or exactly where, should I cancel the party or move it to Saturday? I live on the Southeast Texas coast almost on the border of Texas and Louisiana. Help me decide!!! I just don't know whether or not to be over prepared, or come off as paranoid??? Thanks!





  2. Current track puts Gustav on the central Louisiana coast sometime late Monday.  Forecasts this far out are highly unreliable and subject to high amounts of error.  Anywhere from Brownsville TX to Panama City FL are still in the realm of possibility at this point.

    Gut feeling:  Stick to your current plan, reevaluate tomorrow.

  3. They're talkin' cat 3 possibility. A party may not be a good idea, unless it's a hurricane party and you have a death wish !! Seriously, you have to think of your family. Keep one eye on the weather channel and be prepared to get out of DODGE !

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