
To people, how would you react if one of your family member is g*y ?

by  |  earlier

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i am g*y and would love to know frank n st8forward views of your people..and plz dont be diplomatic for others, share your real views. i hardly get offended by anyone.

PS:would love to know view of parents if suppose they find out that their son is g*y.




  1. Probably just stay away from that person for an while until its chills down a bit

  2. I would be pretty shocked for a while and probably want to be by myself so I could think about it for a little while before really saying anything.

    My first reaction wouldn't be a bad one though I would probably be like "Oh! really???"

    I would accept it and give them all of my support as I'm sure they would need it but I would probably act a little different for a couple of days.

  3. This actually happened in my family. My brother announced at the dinner table that he was g*y. My father said "That's nice son. Could you pass the peas?"  My mother asked if he was happy. I asked if he was going to stop playing football now. Basically we were all fine with it.

  4. I would support them fully. My parents however would do everything in their power to "fix" him/her because its against "GOD." If my kid told me he/she was g*y i would be proud of them,

  5. You know, my father actually told me once out of the blue that he'd love it if I was a L*****n, or even just bisexual.

    Unfortunately, I've disappointed him.

    But I wouldn't mind at all if a family member was g*y, and I think it's pretty cool. h**l, I'd probably be jumping for joy had my son been g*y. I'll force him to go shopping with me all the time...


  6. very very very poorly like loading up the old shot gun type deal.  Today we have nothing of worth or in value but such mind numbing c**p that has invaded our lives thur tv and crappy music. Adam and Steve can't bring forth a child nethier can Sue an Jane let the flames get higher for them all and bring the bbq sauce man it will be a long slow roast  

  7. i personally wouldn't care less if i had a child and they came out of the closet.  it's their lifestyle and however they choose to live it is none of my business. whatever makes them happy also makes me happy.

  8. I'd say 'congratulations'.

    That'd be about it. It wouldn't even be an issue.

    My parents reacted pretty well when I told them I was bisexual.

    Well, my mum asked a lot of questions (which I was prepared for) and was a bit weird for a few months and my dad just made L*****n jokes and went back to talking about what we were talking about before.

  9. I would be shocked.

  10. My dad divorced my mum cause he turned g*y! and fell in love with a man.

  11. i would be so embarrassed, and annoyed

    i don't know what i would do  

  12. no parents would want their son to be g*y. but if you are than don't tell anyone. people make fun of such people and they don't understand that it is a type. so keep it a secret.  

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