
To people that hate Marijuana, why do you hate it?

by Guest66878  |  earlier

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I just don't see the reason in fighting against the plant.




  1. Well I'm not against the weed, but I think it is still wrong to smoke it because that stuff is a illegal drug. Now I'm not saying it is very harmful drug, I'm saying that stuff is illegal. If you get caught carry the bag of the weed by the stupid fat **** police, your life will be ruin for being caught carrying the bag of the harmless drug. Remember weed can't s***w you up, but get caught by dirty b***h cop will s***w you up man.

    I have done it before but I just realized that stuff was illegal and I could get caught. This is the other reason why I extremely hate the government

  2. I think its a little ironic on here that all the people that have hateful things to say about it have never tried it guranteed.

  3. it just makes people worthless.. drained burnouts.   you say you arent a burnout? you can't tell cause you are all doped up.

  4. hey william, ive been smoking every day for almost a year.  im a 3.6 student, play football and rugby.  i do it on my own time when all my work's all done.  its a recreational activity that i enjoy when im bored.  i defy someone to tell me whats wrong with me.  


  5. I think it's basically like alcohol.  It can be used responsibly, but too often it ends up being abused.  Try to talk to a few people who've been smoking once a week or more for ten or more years and you will soon realize the problems associated with excessive smoking.  It's not that different than seeing a person lying drunk in a gutter though.

  6. They have been brainwashed to think that it kills you.


    this is why it's illegal:

    The person above has no idea what she's talking about.

  7. My son smokes it.  There are two reasons I do not like it.  One- it is illegal.

    Two- I have watched my son and his friends buy that before they buy food for themselves or anything else they might need to live.  They wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is smoke a joint, before they are even out of bed.  Then they smoke it at work.  They smoke it after work.  Sometimes they have to smoke it in order to be able to eat.  What is wrong with that?  You tell me.

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