
To people that think homosexuality is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?

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If it's a choice, that means that there's another option, when did you choose that option? I'm straight and I've just...always been straight. Homosexuals have just...always been g*y, they only REALIZE it later on.




  1. Zack,

    You're not going to get straight people to see the sense. As long as straight people find something wrong with g*y people, they're going to tell themselves that it's a choice, because they realize if it wasn't a choice they would be having something against them for something they cannot control.

    What is there about being g*y that would make people choose to be g*y? I mean, above average intelligent beings don't just wake up one morning and say, "I'm going to alienate myself from my family and friends. I'm going to be part of a depised minority because I want to be g*y!"

    Do these homophobes HONESTLY think that that is the case? As sad as it may sound, they do.

    Even if people did realize it wasn't a choice, they would still have something against it. You don't understand Zack, people are always going to be ignorant and have something against it. No matter what kind of evidence come out to prove how natural it is:

    No matter what the evidence, people are always going to form their untruths around the truth.

    Dr. James Dobson of the family leadership council, originally said that homosexuals have like 50 partners a year. When he was shown evidence that that was not true, he said, "OK so they have long term relationships with to each other, but they're not commited and based on love."

    Also, humans aren't the only species to exhibit homosexuality

    Homosexuality is seen in several animal species. These homosexual animals have complete homosexual tendencies and refuse to have any sexual contact with the oppposite s*x even when they are in heat.

    People say that they are just animals and they don't know any better.

    But it's like this for those people: They say that homosexuality is unnatural because humans are the only species to practice it. But when I explain how that is not true and there are animals with homosexual tendencies, they quickly contradict themselves and say that they are just animals and they don't know what they are doing.

    Funny how homophobia works huh??

    Anyways, these homosexual animals do everything that homosexual humans do. The straight animals do everything that straight humans, do. So saying that homosexual animals are not proof homosexuality is natural is the same as saying straight animals are not proof that being straight is natural.

    These homosexual animals have been known to form long lasting (sometimes lifelong) relationships with each other, which disavows the arguement that they are just getting together for a brief sexual encounter.

    Here is a link to a video made by a scientist who studies animal sexuality and what he has to say about homosexual animals:

    There are some things that animals do that we humans would be wrong to do. What I'm saying here is, homosexuality in animals isn't one of those things anymore than heterosexuality in animals is one of those things.

    The following organizations believe homosexuality to be unchosen, unchangeable, as natural as heterosexuality and not a sickness, they have each conducted research seperately but all came to this same conclusion:

    American Psyciatric Association

    American Psychological Association

    American Counseling Association

    American Bar Association

    American Academy of Pediatrics

    American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

    American Psychoanalytic Association

    American Anthropoligical Association

    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

    American Medical Association

    Child Welfare League of America

    American Academy of Family Physicians

    North American Counil on Adoptable Children

    American School Counselor Association

    National Association of School Psychologists

    The evidence is so overwhelming. People just don't want to believe it because they want to believe whatever they want to believe, even if others suffer for it.

    I think they should CHOOSE to be g*y for a week and really have romantic, physical, emotional, and sexual feelings for the same s*x for that week. Then turn back to being straight and report back to us.

    Maybe THEN we'll admit it's a choice, but until then, let them waste their breath.

    You cannot choose to be g*y. I have been in a relationship with another man for almost 4 years. If homosexuality was a choice, there would be no way that I could love someone enough to stay with them for 4 years and willing for life.

    Just give up and let people believe the lies. It's not your fault nor mine that people refuse to see the truth.

  2. um no, the normal way to be is straight. people choose to turn into g**s, they have to make a choice to upset the normal order, you don't have to make a choice to remain in the normal order.

  3. Some homosexual people have always known that they are g*y, and some heterosexual people have always known that they are straight.

    Those who feel that sexuality is a choice have not always known that they are homosexual or heterosexual. Just as a person who chooses chocolate over vanilla can only come to that conclusion by tasting both, a person who thinks that homosexuality is a choice is a bisexual who denies their own bisexuality and feels that they must choose between g*y and straight. They have chosen to label themselves as straight in order to conform to societal norms while expecting everyone else to make the same choice that they have made.

  4. They chose around the same time we did, actually. It's only been during the last century and some decades that it's become so horrible. Before the 1850's it wasn't even something that needed to be discussed; it wasn't commonplace, but it wasn't wrong. And it's not wrong to consider the possibility that we all made the choice while we in cribs, while we learned to walk and talk. By the time we had something to say it was already shadowed by our decision. Is it so wrong to think that humanity does not have sexual preference built in? Sexual drive is going to come out in some form or another, but why not believe that we as a species are more malleable and more diverse than we currently are? I think I'm going to write a paper about it...keep your interest in this discussion alive, and I will get it out there someday soon.

  5. When will g**s quit asking this idiotic question?

    And to answer your question....nature chose me to be straight.

  6. Example: DirtyMartini!

    "I chose to be straight when I realized I liked looking at naked women..".

    That's not right. He REALIZED he was straight from his desires for the opposite s*x. But did he choose to have that desire over the desire for men? No.  

  7. I couldn't agree with you more. The only way I can accept that homosexuality is a "choice" is if heterosexuality is also defined on those same limited terms: as a "choice". It would be akin for me to think that an odd number is still a number, the same way an even number is also a number. I can't just randomly say that "odd numbers are not numbers, because they aren't divisible by 2 to produce a whole number". We may not like the "unevenness" of odd numbers, but that doesn't stop them from being numbers.

    Maybe you mean the term "aware", instead of "realize" or "choose"? Actually realize is also an apt word to describe what we all go through: when we become cognizant of our sexual feelings, we also realize/become aware that they are aroused by either a man, woman or both. That's all there is to it. All those people assigning "evil" or "abomination" to those of us with homosexual/bisexual orientations should realize that this is exactly the same as white people saying that black people or Asians are "inferior", because they aren't white.

    Or in our case, because we aren't straight.

  8. I remember when I choose to be straight. I woke up and just flipped a coin head I become g*y tails I become straight. It was 50/50 chance, that's how I roll.

  9. That's a great question to fire back at all of the people here who think we choose to be g*y. Some people are just so ignorant it's ridiculous.

  10. I think you can say that I do find some females attractive, but I choose and prefer males.  I choose to be straight.  I chose it from the very beginning.  Males stand out to me before females do.  I am picky though, and females are too emotional.

  11. Being homosexual and being "straight" are two completely different things.  To be "straight" is the natural course of events.  Being homosexual is not; it's a perversion of the norm.  

    I believe that homosexuality is another form of sexual addiction.  Sexual addiction takes many forms with homosexuality being only one of many.  

    Addiction of any kind is a coping mechanism just like so many other coping mechanisms.   Coping mechanisms are used by all of us when life is in some way "too much" for us to cope with.  So we develop behaviors to help us "cope."  There are seven basic addictions: drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, religion, work, and s*x.

    Addictions can begin very early in life.  Especially s*x addictions.  That's why homosexuals feel as though "they were born that way."  They really weren't, it just feels like they were because the addiction developed very early in life.

    In some homes emotional trauma or dysfunction is there from day one.  Our parents were dysfunctional before we were born.  When born into a dysfunctional family we develop addictions (and sometimes other coping behaviors) to cope with the craziness in our homes.  Whatever addiction we develop depends on the level of craziness going on around us, and also our personalities.  This is where homosexuality comes from.  It's another form of s*x addiction.

    Hence, homosexuality being an addiction, the homosexual is completely responsible for how he/she handles the addiction.  You can either abstain from the behavior, or pretend you're a victim, and go with it.  Most pretend to be a victim, because to fight to overcome an addiction is extremely hard work.  However, just as with any addiction, it's not impossible to overcome.  

    The ultimate responsibility for each of our lives lies squarely on our own shoulders.  You can either step up and be a man, or whine and be a victim.  It's all in how you choose to live... and it IS a choice.

  12. it is totally not a choice. i'm bi, and it is ignorant to say that i decided to be bi. homosexuals and bisexuals realize later on because it is expected that they will be heterosexual. it really bugs me when people think that g**s are "turned" by certain people. ignorance.

  13. in foreign countries, g**s are executed.

  14. Not everyone has this opinion:) I do not believe people choose to be g*y, I am aware they are born that way BUT let me fill you in on something. The by choice g**s (the people who are g*y cuz they think its cool or Bi) give g*y people a bad name. Until the extremeness of these people go away true g*y people will not get the respect they deserve! The women who try to act like men, the men who act like to them abut the fact that they do not have to full fill some stupid stereo type and they give respectable g*y individuals a bad rap. why announce that you are g*y? Rhetorical of course. I do not announce to everyone I am straight???? But yes hun, I hv no issues w the g*y community and activly defned the fact that it is n ot a choice for some people.  

  15. Some people don't realize later on, we know from the start.

  16. Straight people choose to be straight, as we "choose" everything we do.  In the Bible, it says that God intended woman for man, and regardless of the reason "why," it's what He suggests.  Later on, we'll understand everything...soon.

  17. its not a choice...pple can believe what they want...doesnt change anything...i knew i liked boys instead of girls since i can use justifying ourselves to any1 coz its not going to change any1's mind...right???????????????????????

  18. I chose to be straight when I realized I like looking at naked women...A LOT.

  19. people just want to seem like they are better than someone and by saying they have a choice then the homophobs have someone to blame for something they dont agree with or understand

  20. homosexuality, to me is like a fetish. if you are around or exposed to them you may take a likeing to them. for instance in places of africa it is attractive if you have a giant plate lip. would i think a girl wiht a giant plate lip is attractive h**l no. its a fetish they are exposed to it and almost tought to believe that it is indeed attractive. same goes for homosexuality. notice there are more g**s than ever before. are we evolving backwords, no.

  21. your totally right. some people are just really close minded.

  22. I realized I was straight in Kindergarten when I kissed my "girlfriend" while playing with some toys, but that was just me.  

  23. thing is, its nature, men like women, women like men, any1 who doesnt fit thoes norms is........well different, now some might say messed up, psychologically messed up, it just depends on the person u know? they had sth wrong in the brains or sth, i dont know how to explain it, but well have u ever seen a g*y lion? lol use animals as examples, u know its just nature, and i am not racist or anything against g**s, i dont mind them, they just dont fit the laws that r known to us in nature, dunno, but i dont rlly know if they make a choice or sth, and i rlly dont care, they can live their life as long as i get to live mine im happy :)

  24. It's hard to say. I don't think anyone sits down and says "gee I think I like men". You just know your attracted to guy/girl/both.

    But in a sense it's a choice to be homosexual, hetersexual or bisexual it's not like anyone is putting a gun in their head telling them what their sexuality has to be. And in another sense you can say your born with it.

    I was born straight and I choose to be straight. Depends how you look at it.

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