
To people who live QLD?

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do you know where is woodridge???

what are your feelings about that suburb????

why is that????




  1. I lived in Woodridge when I was a kid (for about 3 years). Being so young, I loved living there - lots of different cultures, lots of neighbours and friends. Being older and wiser, I now realise that Woodridge is a low-income area with lots of gangs and high crime. Now, I am a bit embarassed to tell people that I lived in Woodridge.

  2. The general area around Woodridge, Springwood, Daisy Hill, on Brisbane's southern outskirts, isn't exactly a 'slum', but was built as a low-cost housing estate some 30 years ago. There used to be lots of crime, especially vandalism from bored youth. Conversely, there are also pockets of luxury houses in the area.

    However, I used to run a team of charity collectors all over Brisbane for a few years, and I must say that the area was more generous in donations than the 'richer' areas such as Hamilton, Ascot etc.

  3. Woodridge is one of the worst, if not THE worst suburb in the Brisbane area and some areas are positively dangerous at night. Do not live or even visit there and especially, don't go to school or send your kids to school there.

  4. Woodrodge is about 45min drive from where I dlive.

    It is  an old  suburb of Logan City.

    Not my cup of tea but I do have friends that live there.

    It is a bit too busy  for my liking.  I like the bush more.

  5. I live in the next suburb, it has a low income kind of feel, although it's one of the fastest growing real estate price ranges in Brisbane due to people buying up cheaper older houses and changing the areas demographics.  It has a very multicultural feel, there is a great farmers market, although small, opposite the train station every Sunday.  To be honest, I would never let my teenagers near the place after dark, during the day it's OK, if not a bit tired and grubby looking, as it is an old suburb, once more investment comes in I am sure it will continue to change.

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