
To post or not to post? That is the question

by  |  earlier

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I want to post a poem. But I'm skeptical. I just want to post a poem without being judged, ridiculed or just plainly laughed at. Would read one of my poems if I posted it?




  1. Do it, some will love it and some will hate it. As long as you know what you were saying and you like it and know what it means to you it's all that matters. The poetry is for you, this is just a way to share a little bit of you, which can be scary....but just do it anyway

  2. You should post your poem.

    I would like to read it very much.

  3. Yahoo answers guidelines say that you must post a question. If you don't want critiquing, you should post at another sites forum - such as - since Yahoo! Answers is supposed to be in the Q & A format.

  4. When you post it, just stipulate that you want it read (not critiqued) and have some feedback on it.  That should do the trick.  Or do like I do sometimes and phrase your question like this "What do you think of my poem? Any helpful or positive feedback welcomed. "

  5. post away,,, it cannot be any worse than some others and in fact may be quite a bit better

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