
To relieve Stress?

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I see folks sitting in traffic jams, worried looks on their faces, can almost hear the words going on inside their heads. Is this what life is supposed to be like?


Hope you enjoy!

Love, peace and light.




  1. Dear,

    The creator never made life to be that stressful but we have in our rush to grab everything in order to satisfy our greed and fulfill our selfish desires, made life to become one mad rush; a rat race and a zero sum game. However, its a race that we lead us all to a collective doom. No race, no nation and individual will be spared.

    As a palliative though, I do what I call the process of compartmentalising situations and circumstances as they present themselves. cases like the traffic jam are therefore put in a capsule where they would not be allowed to pollute the other aspects of my life.

    It has worked for me and I recommend it to any other person that wishes to try.

    Do have a great and wonderful day!

  2. If you had my problems .....Mortgage, 4 Kids, husband ...bills bills bills - a boss who is the Devil in drag.... God - I need more than Botox...and a fortnight in Spain.....

  3. no that is why push bikes are more fun as you can cut across country and weave between jammed cars.  and although it is more dangerous you can grab on to the side of a truck and get a free ride if wanted.  this is less stress more fun and has less impact on the environment.

  4. I gave up my gas guzzling camper van 10 months ago. I now use an electric mobility scooter to go to the shops (and carry the shopping on). The reduction in stress due to not driving and the reduction in the associated costs have been life enhancing.

    I suppose it is a bit green too :)

  5. Take a bath to relieve stress

    bubbles and fizzzzzy balls included

  6. No, life is not supposed to be centered around how much you can make.  It is destroying our world and leaving us with no real reason to press on.

  7. a cup of coacoa

  8. No life sucks right now.

  9. Just do meditation and yoga. Which reveals all your stress.

    and Sit under the tree for some time during Afternoon's time.

    Which stabilises your mind.

  10. huh?
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