
To research and investigate paranormal phenonemen, anywhere in the world.?

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If you could go out and investigate/research paranormal phenonemen anywhere in the world, what place would take your interest..(famous haunting places).. Italy has my main interest.. Poveglia island, just off Venice (meant to be the most haunted place in the world), Some places in Rome, Pompeii, and some recent research ive been doing on holy and religious places.. There seems to of been alot of holy occurences happening in Medjugorje over the years.. so that place i would like to experience as well...




  1. There's a canyon in western New Mexico where a big guy has stayed so long it doesn't remember anything else.  I'd like to pay him a visit, but I'd want to make sure to have arranged for a good home for my cats before I went in there.

  2. >a weeks paid vacation to go to Gettysburg. All expenses paid too of course. Next up Vicksburg. Sand Creek, Little Big Horn.

  3. Do we have to choose just one?

    I think the Vatican where there is surprising lack of stories from about anything unusual. Of course I would want full access to all areas.

    If I could choose two the White House would be next.

    OK, three, the ruins of the Oracle of Delphi I would like to see (haunted or not).


  4. south point, hawaii. it's were ancient ghost warriors still keep a look out. kawaihai, hawaii is the site of hawaiis only sacrificial temple. ghost warriors still roam here by night. the are called the night marchers.-blurey

  5. I used to worry that I loved the church (building) too much. I worried that I'd want to come back & haunt it. ..but not any more. I also thought I'd want to come back and haunt the house I grew up in...but they burned it down. I was afraid that wanting to come back to those places would keep me from wanting to go to Heaven. If I don't get to take a trip home before I die...I'll probably want to go to my home town for a visit. I don't know if I'd "haunt" it...just visit it. Of course, I'd want to visit my family..but my son says I'd "better not" haunt him! lol. Other than that...I'd probably just travel around the earth seeing places I never got to go.But, I'm not sure it would be fun with no one to go with me.

    Edit...Think I misunderstood this question. lol...Where did I get in my head it said ..where would you haunt? lol

    I'd probably want to investigate Jerusalem.

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