
To save money and for conservation, do you flush the commode each time you use it?

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To save money and for conservation, do you flush the commode each time you use it?




  1. The basic rule is, if it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down.

    Doesn't mean you don't ever flush, just means you wait a little bit longer to flush.  So, you're flushing the toilet an average of two or three less times per day (assuming a single person and single toilet) Savings of water and cash are more significant in a household with a family.  



  2. If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.

  3. Depends on what's in it!

  4. no you can flush every few times, and it will help the environment and reduce your water bill (if you don't have a well)

  5. yes I do. It's gross & trifling if you don't.

  6. If I'm alone in the house, or at nighttime when flushing might also disturb a light sleeper, I don't flush.

  7. yes

  8. I flush each and every time, no matter what's in there. Bad Cheney, bad Cheney.  I don't feel "clean" otherwise.

    Have you noticed that you have two Star Wars characters answering this question (well, sort of).

  9. Actually, I do not flush the commode every time in the "conventional" manner (using the handle) except when there is a "gift" present.

    I have a small mousery and clean animal cages every day.  I reuse the wash water from the cages to manually flush the commodes.  It saves about 10 gallons of water each day.

  10. No, neither does my mother, only when it's "messy." I don't care about the money, and because it doesn't get flushed every time, the bill is low anyway. It's the water I'm saving, but all my father cares about is "it'll smell". It doesn't, but he just chewed me out anyway. Not gonna make me change though. I know I'm doing the world good.

  11. Don't flush unless the brown needs to go down.

  12. Yes, I have a water saver cistern so you can do a little flush or a full flush

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