
To save planet no plastic,no nonveg,no wasting resources like <span title="water,paper,fuel/energy/unhealthy">water,paper,fuel/energy/u...</span> lifestyle?

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To save planet no plastic,no nonveg,no wasting resources like water,paper,fuel/energy/u... lifestyle?




  1. well we&#039;re saving the earth and we didn&#039;t even notice it. Like when you turned the lights off because it&#039;s just instinct that tells you to do so...

    All i just do is balance things up.  Dp some bad things and do some good things too

  2. Yes. You are correct. To save our planet and to keep it sustainable green we have to conserve every thing we use, minimize pollution, besides trying to reduce population all over the world. For further information visit


  3. ... and no Internet, no computers, no cell phones, no airplanes, no modern medicine, no ambulances, no Coast Guard Rescue Chopper, no Pokemon, no YouTube, no BlueTooth, no CD player, no hair spray, no ....

  4. yES ITS RIGHT. iNSTEAD OF THIS WE MUST USE  solar energy , wind power, biodegradable substance, efficient machines, plant more trees, save fresh water resources,

  5. well  u can water paper=trees and we can gore trees so  

    (yes life style)

  6. .I appreciate your ideas for our planet, lest  our generations may vanish.......; please go through the literature, books and relevant on TV, every day. I am at the &#039;gate&#039; only, for about 50 years,..trying to appreciate, decaying the earth..., our generation may help; God bless, our coming generations......;SAVE THE WORLD.

  7. of course,we should do all these things.

    plastic is non biodegradable .thus its very harmful.

    we shouldn&#039;t waste water and paper b&#039;coz to produce paper ,loads of trees are being cut and nobody cares to replant a plant after cuttin&#039; one,and for water,out of 100%,only 0.001% of water is fit for us to utilise.

    for fuels,they r in limited quantity.If we keep on wasting them ,then...........just forget that v can ever save our lives and our planet.  

    so people please please please try to save water asmuch as u can and don&#039;t waste paper.Try to make it&#039;s use as much as u can

  8. omg who freakin cares about recycling. were all gonna die before the earth dies. just have fun,and do whatever you want. you only live once.

  9. Yes,you are true.To save planet it is necessary to use biodegradable resources like bio gas instead of LPG gas for cooking food.we have to use solar energy instead of electricity.

  10. Yes to save our planet we have to be very careful of what we are using in our day to day life..We should switch on to GREEN LIFE i.e use renewable sources of energy to reduce pollution,Bio-degradable plastics,paper etc to save mother earth..

    Use water,light,energy very cautiously and carefully because we are running out of these very basic things of life..

    Use alternative fuels and sources of enery like solar energy,geo-thermal energy,tidal energy etc.

    CO2 emissions should be reduced to lower Global warming..


    good link with unusual ideas you may not have thought of....

    not only to save the planet.. but to save you money too!

    also the #1 thing you can do to save the planet.. is not have any kids..

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