
To start an animal rights group at my school...?

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i want to start an animal rights group at my school. as far as i know, i'm the only vegetarian at school, but the group won't be about being vegetarian. it will be about animal rights (like vivisection and animal testing, stuff like that) and we'll hold meetings and protests and things like that. what would i have to do to get this set up? talking to the principal? or what?




  1. Student group policies vary, so you need to find out what the procedures are for starting a group at your school. There might be a student activities office, or check your school's policy manual. You could also speak to someone who's involved in another student group at your school.

    Depending on the policies, you may need to find a teacher to serve as an advisor to the group, and you might need a certain number of members to be recognized as an official group.

    Good luck!

  2. Yes, talk to the principal to get approval and to work on setting up and meeting time and date for anyone who wants to join.  Make flyers and see if you can post a sign up sheet by the office or wherever your principal decides.

    Good luck!!

  3. Yes I would talk to the principal if I were you.  Don't be upset if he turns you down.  The meat industry has got a hold even on schools.  Like the way children are forced to drink milk instead of being allowed to have soy milk or fortified juice.

    If you do manage to get it up and running, you may want to keep it a little low key if the meetings are held in school.

    The best advice I can give you is have the meetings at your house.  Then you can do what you want to.

    Unfortunately a lot of people can't handle the truth.  If you show show or tell people certain things in a school environment, the kids might go to their parents and talk or complain.  Trust me it could end up getting pretty bad...people just can't handle the truth.

    You can get all the info, printable fliers, and all sorts of other free stuff from PETA.  They even have PETA for kids.  They will also tell you all sorts of activities that you can do.

    Good luck and GO VEGGIES!

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