
To sunshine who answered my question,?

by  |  earlier

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i do not usally speed, how many kids do you see on the m6!!!!!!!!! think before you answer. i am in the army n had to be back in tidworth for 12 mid nite for deployment to afghan. hence the 120 mph




  1. Well I take it this addressed at me?!

    'How many kids do you see on the M6?'

    Well I take you point that they not playing on bikes and so on but think about the kids who are strapped up in cars - cars that you may end up hitting by speeding like that.

    Also a story not too long ago about 2 children who cut through a motorway who were killed.

    I take your point but I just angry because it people who, like yourself,  get behind a wheel of a car and feel they invincible! Just because you in Army is not a get-out-clause!

    To be honest being in the Army, I would have thought you been told to obey the law!

    It NO excuse to go speeding - whether you need to get to the army or home - speeding is just wrong.

    All I am saying it please be aware - next time it won't just be a speeding ticket you scared of getting but a prison sentence for killing someone - whether that a child, man, woman etc.

    I had to go to hospital to say goodbye to my 5 year old nephew after he died instantly from a car accident. It most hardest thing ever and to see my sister and my brother in law having to say goodbye to their son and my dad and my brother in law carry in his coffin in funeral was the most distressing thing.

    The man who did it got 18 months and points on licence - there just no justice!


  2. excuse for anybody doing 120 mph...apart from anything - its illegal.  maybe you should have allowed yourself more time to reach your destination.

  3. You were still breaking the law.  If you were speeding, it's a crime, regardless of the excuse.

    Way to broadcast your failure, though!

    EDIT: By the way, check the included link for m6 and other speed cam locations!

  4. You took the chance, you got caught. NOBODY forced you you to do 120. If you can't do the time then don't do the crime.

    Grow up or shut up.

    BTW . Don't shout too loud about being a soldier. You can also be charged under QR's sect 70.

    You should be.

  5. Bullsh*t.

  6. couldnt you just add this in the add details in your question. bunnies eat carrots.

  7. you were trained to kill in action not on puplic roads, when I was in the service we could not afford cars

  8. Just be careful.

  9. :O

  10. You should have set off for Tidworth earlier!

  11. 120 mph??? Even if you don't "usually" speed, what in hades were you thinking??? You could have killed someone, yourself being the least of the people you could have killed. You had the option of calling your base or your CO and letting them know you'd be late. Speeding that fast is never an option. You're a nud. Take responsibility for doing an idiotic thing.

  12. There are probably lots of kids on the M6 - in cars with their parents! You should have left a little earlier, theres no excuse for speeding.

  13. Yet another fking arshole,, you should have left earlier you should know this army boy the importance of being on time,,, instead you put yourself,, and others at risk,, you prick ! NO EXCUSE !!

  14. Good luck in your endeavours,But your speeding ticket will still be there when you return.I have seen the results and carnage from high speed.How ironic that you survive being shot at only to possibly be killed on the roads at home.

    35yrs paramedic.

    I also think you have a very vivid,immature imagination.

  15. you think the answerer will be impressed by this?

    Think before you post a question.

  16. Should've left earlier!

    Hang on a minute, you were rushing back for deployment to Afghanistan? According to your question this happened on Tuesday, it was a very short posting wasn't it.

    If you're going to make stories up, you have to have a good memory my friend!

  17. bull ahaha you cant do it

  18. Her answer was a very valid one. It doesn't matter what your circumstances were for overdoing the limit or what type of road you are on. Despite the fact you are in the army you are still human. The speed limit is there to protect you and others. I've seen multiple pile ups and known people involved in them because others were speeding and couldn't brake in time.

  19. As much as I can understand your reasoning, I cannot accept that 120mph is a safe speed on the motorway at ANY time of day.

    Saying that though, I wish you the best of luck on your tour of duty.

  20. well mate there was two kids killed in my area where i am based for the road traffic accident investergation unit and kids do cross some parts of that motorway and there are kids in the cars so if you did hit a car you would of killed some one easyly plus there could of been a road workers in lane 3 and you would of hit them i lost 3 best mates through women doing 120 mph she killed them instantly

  21. Being in the Army doesn't give you a ticket out dude....

    If you would have killed someone, do you think their family will forgive you because you are in the army....

    You should maybe plan your time a little bit better so you don't have to speed.... I am not going to sympathize with you for a deploying solider.... I've been there and there is no excuse to be driving 120mph.

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