
To teach life science in Ohio (grades 7-12), which PRAXIS tests do I need to take?

by Guest62178  |  earlier

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I'm completely confused. It looks like there are so many different PRAXIS tests. I know that I need to take the Life Science Pedagogy, but do I need PRAXIS 1, PRAXIS 2, or both? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  1. If you are currently in college and you are a freshman or sophomore, you need the PRAXIS I. That test is basically like an ACT or SAT test which tests basic knowledge. Colleges usually use these to determine if you should be admitted to the teacher ed program.

    If you are graduating from college, you need the PRAXIS 2 which enables you to graduate from college. That test covers your content area.

    There is also a PRAXIS 3 which is a test given sometime before your third year of teaching which allows you to renew your 2 year license that you get when you graduate. This test is an observational one in which you are observed in your classroom.  

    That's how it works at my college. Hope this helps!

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