
To teachers...What were the qualities you liked/hate about your teachers?

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I liked those that understood and knew I was in school to learn.. not assumed I already knew everything and just left me alone to figure it out.

I liked those teachers that treated me with a common humanity & helped knowing if I was wrong I wasn't humiliated into giving up.

I hated teachers that humiliated kids, didn't encourage their classes, talked down to the parents and students, blamed everyone else when things went wrong with their plans, and segregate poor performers from peers tthat could have been helping other classmates.

I am grateful for the few teachers that were enthusiastic about their careers and shared quite a bit of themselves with me today. During my employment in my local public school district, I can tell the true teachers from the burnouts, the copped outs, and should have never been let outs...these are the folks that took time to help me acclimate to their school setting, encouraged me, accepted what I did differently from them!




  1. My preferences were very similar to yours.  I liked teachers who expected a lot of us, both academically and personally.  I liked teachers who were willing to admit that they didn't know everything, but were willing to learn and get information for us when we needed it.  I liked teachers who treated everyone with decency, and didn't show obvious favoritism.  I liked serious teachers, who obviously thought their subject matters were important.  I liked teachers who, even if we weren't doing well, had faith that we COULD do well and were willing to work with us to make that happen.

    I disliked teachers who seemed to enjoy humiliating students and those who were too sarcastic.  I disliked teachers who assumed that students (or worse, particular groups of students) were stupid or incapable of learning).  I disliked the "cool" teachers who were more interested in being our buddies than in teaching us.  

    My best teachers - fourth grade, very strict older woman who taught us to write really well and assigned a lot of creative projects with clear academic components.  Senior year in high school, enthusiastic German woman who taught Survey of the Creative Arts.  I still get excited when I find a book of poetry by someone she read to us, or a piece of music by a composer she played for us.  Law professor who oozed ethics and who taught us in an encouraging, organized way.

    My worst teachers:  Third grade overly emotional woman who regularly burst into tears when she lost control of the class, and who called my mother and my best friend's mother into class to tell us that it was inappropriate for boys and girls to be friends (thank goodness, our mothers told her to get lost!).   Most of my high school teachers, who didn't seem to care if we learned anything or not.  College music professor sophomore year who constantly made fun of students.  Grad school professor who was too busy doing other things to prepare his classes or write assignments, then gave us the assignments (each of which took at least 10 hours to do) the day before they were due!  He made it very clear we were not a priority.

  2. I liked every teacher i ever had..Until high school came...

    my favorite kind of teachers are that help me throw whatever and never judged me..also were very respectful and fair with everything.

  3. well I had a teacher that said um or uh after every couple of words and that got annoying but she was nice haha

    I dont like teachers who call on people randomly or just make them look stupid because they dont know the answer to a question

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