
To test or not to test that is the question!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok soooo here goes...I had an irregular AF for months and for the past 3 it has regulated itself to come every 25 days like clock AF was due this past Friday and I have gotten nothing!!! I tested last week on Monday(I kno 2 early---see my name) and on Friday and both were negative! So last night I was on the computer around 11:30 and suddenly I felt extremely dizzy and like I needed to vomit. I spent almost an hour like that on the bathroom floor and it was horrible!! I tried to make it go away by drinking water and it didn't help. I thought maybe I should eat something and when I bit into the food it grossed me out!! Me and DH BD pretty much every day for the last month (lol we love each other a little to much sometimes). Should I test again or wait?? Are these signs of pregnancy??




  1. If your period is late, now would be a good time to test. However some people reccommend waiting 1-2 weeks AFTER your missed period to test. Better chances of a positive if you are. Good luck!

  2. lol you're too funny with your yahoo name!... i would defiantely test again!.. im the same way as you i always jump the gun on testing!! sounds like you definately could be pregnant! (remember your first mornings urine is the best urine for the pregnancy test due to the highest level's of hcg in  your morning urine)

    best of luck :::::::BABY DUST::::::  & God bless!!!!!!!!

  3. test again with 1st morning urine as the other test was to early good luck  

  4. no such thing as loving your hubby too much,lol, but this sounds like a few symptoms, just give a week, if you can hold out that long, and pee you heart away,lol, and by the way i think i'm joining the pee fanatic group,lol, good luck!

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