
To the McCann fans-do you believe Casey Anthony is innocent also?

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Since you are willing to protect one child murderer (Kate McCann) do you believe in Casey as well?




  1. I think their both guilty..  

  2. I don't know Casey, but Kate McCann is innocent. How can you say things like that? She is a real person, not some fictional character. Unless you are a detective, you have NO clue what you are talking about. You don't have all the facts.

  3. oddly I was just reading a blog by a criminal profiler on the Anthony case and it mentioned that these mothers crave attention!

    sound familiar? *ahem* kate!!

  4. the world is full of all kinds of evil..people do stupid things every day..but with children, we must think about protecting our children. parents have done things that they think are right then they find out it wasn't the right thing to do and a child suffers. I would be out there looking for a missing child..doing whatever it took to get the child back..I don't know the real truth of either case due to not having all the details..but something is wrong with both is very dangerous to leave children alone due to the increasing 's*x industry' who preys on children to sell s*x..casey anthony has snapped and she knows what happened to her little girl..and needs to come clean with the truth for the sake of the child.

  5. who is Kate??  I think Casey didn't intentionally kill her daughter. I am thinking she wasn't watching her, and Caylee died accidentally, perhaps in the pool, and Casey probably found her and panicked and hid her body... I think..

  6. Not a McCann fan. I just think people shouldn't speak with out enough knowledge. And that the story is blown out of proportion. There are hundreds of lost children out there. Why focus on this case so obsessively?.

    I give them some credit for being honest about their negligence. They could've easily said somebody kidnapped her, or that she went out and never came back or anything to that effect.

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