
To the Pro Lifers - How does my abortion affect you?

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This is a genuine question. If you and I don't know each other, and I live thousands of miles away, how does my abortion affect you and why do you think you have the right to stop it?




  1. Your unborn child could grow up and find the cure for cancer that may save my life.....

    Why do you have the right to terminate a life?

  2. How does my drowning my toddler in my bathtub affect you, and why do you think you have a right to stop it?

  3. Just like animal rights activists feel heartbroken over the mistreatment of animals, and human rights workers are passionate over the pain and suffering that people are going through in third-world and war torn countries, I am saddened and sick at the thought of your precious tiny baby being torn limb from limb or being burned inside and out by a saline abortion.  It does affect me-- because it breaks my heart, and it makes me desperate to do something about it.

    Edit to comment on Ambrose Hussein's response - As a man who has never carried a baby inside your body, how can you know this?  Have you ever gently poked the "unthinking, uncompreheding" fetus inside your body, and felt it move in response?  Have you ever felt your child moving and active inside you, started to sing or speak, and felt him/her quiet himself to listen to your voice?  Have you ever heard a loud clap of thunder, and felt the startled child jump inside of you?  I have felt all these things.  I had a relationship with my children before they were born.  They didn't suddenly become human the moment they left my body, they were human from the moment they were created.  Your ignorance is unbelievable.

  4. Because its the ending of a human life. You're on the same level as a murderer.  The same murderer that liberals believe shouldn't be executed but are all for the murder of infants.  

  5. How does my cigarette effect you and why do you feel you have a right to stop it?

  6. Wow. The ignorance here is astounding.

    People who are just heart-broken by the fetus being "torn apart limb from limb" don't seem to mind the torture and genocide, grown adults being torn apart limb from limb while their children watch, occurring in Africa to people who, unlike fetuses, actually experience EMOTIONAL SUFFERING. I'm sorry. Fetuses do not even know they're alive. They are unthinking, uncomprehending. They do not suffer even half the pain an adult of any kind suffers.

    Secondly, a fetus is not "equivalent" to a baby. A fetus is not equivalent to an adult. All anti-choice arguments are premised on the assumption that the fetus's human life is EQUIVALENT to an adult's, that all human life at every stage is equivalent. No, it's just not. This ignores the gaining of wisdom and knowledge and strength that occurs with the passing of time. A WOMAN is decidedly human and adult, and I value her and her life, which she has probably proven is a good life, assuming she's not an evil murderer, more than a fetus's.

    Third, fetuses DO NOT LIVE much of the time anyway. It's called miscarriage. Anti-choicers act like pregnancy just turns out all fine and well all of the time, the fetus always results in the baby. It doesn't.


    I'm with you. I'd like to add: A woman's fetus could grow up to be a serial killer, an abusive parent, a war lord. In fact, a woman's fetus almost certainly WILL grow up and make mistakes, since no human being is perfect and innocent, not even a fetus. And some of their mistakes might be serious.

  7. well i just think a doctor should be able 2 deny abortions...if a doctor doesn't feel like killing a baby than he shouldn't have to. and if somebody wants to kill their own baby that they more often than not brought upon themselves. I guess that is their option but i think they should re-evaluate their ill thought out choice- it's called personal responsibility and many are losing theirs.  

  8. im sorry im pro choice

    but saw this and just had to say

    you go girl

    take charge of your own life

    and dont let them bring you down  

  9. It has nothing to do with me. But what about the baby that YOU made. How would you tell the baby that he or she was an inconvenience for you? How are you going to live the rest of your life knowing that you killed your own child?

  10. A baby can affect anyone.  A life... As I sat and watched my sonograms and saw my little baby sucking his thumb even from the womb,  I thought WOW! What a little miracle.  

    Since you are sassy...If you can't deal with the consequenses of having s*x then you just need to keep your legs closed..I mean really or  use other preventative measures.

  11. What does a person slicing there 5 year old daughters neck have to do with you? What if a person would blow up Mexico what would that have to do with you? 40,000,000 babies have been killed in this country. Every American should be sickened by people that think abortion is a form of birth control. Are you anti-war?? what does that have to doe with you?your "CHOICE" was made when you opened your legs little girl!!!!

  12. I don't think I have a right to stop it. I think abortions are horrible, and I myself would never have one, but I know people and certain situations where it might be better.

    My roommate, for example, was put up for adoption and went from foster family to foster family her whole life. She recently thought she was pregnant, and we were talking about it and she would have gotten an abortion. She couldn't bear to think of putting her child through what she went though.

    So even though I am against abortions, I feel like I have no right telling someone I don't even know what is wrong and what is right.

  13. It doesn't effect me at all.I am for choice.Government should not be in control of women's bodies.That is what we are fighting.Let's spend years getting every male neutered or castrated by age 21 then lets HEAR the uproar!!! People there is no difference although you will argue it.Women would not be getting abortions if they were not left by the wayside and on welfare for life struggling to get out.That is a fact.You want to punish women because their body acts normal but you don't want to have no controls over your own.This argument will never be won but one thing is sure,Government should keep it legal.

  14. It doesn't effect me.  But, it is murder so I can't say it is ok.  Jeffrey Dalmer didn't effect me, but is what he did ok?

  15. If we say that there is no value to be placed upon human life, we are going down a very twisted and cruel path.

    So your abortion does affect me and my country.

    Not trying to be harsh, but I abhor abortion, no matter who does it.

  16. Same as if you robbed some one Does not affect me in any way But America is not about If it does not affect you why worry about it That is a European attitude Not American

    I'm a neocon and while personally find laying over an sink while a doctor stick a fork in the kids head and puts it throw a meat grinder disgusting But I realize in some cases this must be

  17. It doesnt effect me- but effects the life of the unborn baby you are carrying. And possibly your health too!

    I dont have the right to stop it. But I have the right to discourage it, and encourage other options!

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