
To the atheists, what is the difference between a Christian and a Fundy?

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I am pretty new too R & S, and from what I gather a Christian is someone who believes in Christ, such as myself, and a fundy is someone who shoves their beliefs down others throats? Am I right? Please, no rude answers. I am honestly just curious because I see that word a lot on here. Thanks :)




  1. A Christian will have sufficient education to take parts of the Bible as metaphor or tribal superstition. A Fundie believes in biblical inerrancy.

  2. A Christian is a person who believes in God, and the whole Jesus thing.  A fundy is someone who believes that the world is 6,000 years old, has experienced a worldwide flood, and has had at least 1 talking snake.

  3. A christian believes in christ.

    A fundy is someone who believes that everything in the bible is true and should be followed to the word.

    They are the kind of people who would look down on a women who divorced her husband because he was beating her.

  4. I do not really like the term "Fundy"; I have friends that self proclaim as Fundamentalists and consider it an insult.

    Personally I prefer more descriptive terms: One-Way Evangelical, Christian Chauvinist, Young Earth Litteralist, etc.

    Unfortunately, the term is popular and my not liking it.

    Everyone has the right to believe what they want, and even to believe it as strongly as they want. They do not, however, have the right to force others to believe the same way that they do.

    Separation of Church and state protects us ALL from having unwanted beliefs shoved down our throats.

    Creationist beliefs do not belong in schools or government.

  5. there is no difference. pick up your bible and repent

  6. I see that you're new to multi-faith discussions in general, not just this place, if you've never heard the term "fundy" before.

    "Fundy" is short for "fundamentalist", which is a term that most often refers to a zealot of any variety.  "Christian" and "fundy" are far from being mutually exclusive terms, but no, they're not always synonyms.

  7. The amount of spittle on their chins.

  8. Pretty close. Most Christians do ask questions trying to understand atheists and their views. This is the good kind of Christians who don't troll and try to be like Christ instead of forcing their belief of it.

    Fundies (fun-dies) are creationists that not only shove their beliefs on others but also ask questions with the intent of giving the best answer to the answer who agrees with their point of view. These keep a close mind and are mostly fail trolls.

  9. 20 IQ points.

    Technically though fundamentalism contains the concepts of biblical inerrancy, the primacy of religious rules over secular laws, and strict adherence in dogma.

    Like many terms, its meaning has become sloppily fungible recently, but it is essentially these characteristics that make the difference.

  10. sounds like you know the dif.

    while not totally inclusive, both sets drastically overlap.  though there are plenty of fundies in other religions too.

  11. To an extent. There are actually some cool fundies on here... few and far between, but they're here.

    A "fundie" is a Fundamentalist Christian - someone who believes the Bible to be literal in every aspect (i.e. the world was created in seven literal days, there are no dinosaurs, etc.) The problem with this is that no one can actually take the whole Bible literally, otherwise they'd be stoning people to death, cutting off their hands for causing them to sin, and giving ALL of their possessions to the poor like the Bible says to.

    I think that's why they get so much c**p. They say the Bible is the true word of God - that it is all literal and all true - but then they only apply certain parts to their lives.

  12. Yes, you have it mostly right.

    Fundies usually take the Bible literally and like to make sure everybody else follows their rules.

    ie. g*y marriage, abortion, creation in schools, etc.

  13. I myself pretty much lump them all in the same semi-educated category, yet I don't treat them mean, cause they are cute and cuddly.

  14. Pretty close.

  15. Fundy = fundamentalist

    All religions have zealots and they are all unappealing.

  16. A fundie is so heavenly minded they are of no earthly good. They forgo reason for doctrine at all costs. They are often militant in their prostelization and condemnation of non-believers.

  17. Also, a true Fundie "Reports" due to the shrinkage of their brain, caused by fanatical Belief Systems.

    Hope that helped.

  18. pretty much yes

    a Fundy is aggressive, forceful, intolerant, hateful, insulting, arrogant and ignorant

    a christian is just a person who believes in christ

    there are fundies in all religions and groups

    they are just people, who dont accept people have their own views and cant be civil to them and profess their own views to be truth and all others to be wrong

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