
To the christians: when was the hardest age for you, faithwise.?

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i think mine was when i was 12. my faith got so much stronger by reading the new testament. and mere christianity. it helped so much.

what brought you back to God?




  1. The closer you get to god, the harder it gets.  

  2. 3. That is the age that belief in fairies begins, and it is difficult for christians to get past it.

  3. 12-13 I was very depressed, didnt want to live, and became an atheist. Part of my 14th year too I suppose...maybe half of it...but I'm thinking on it. I feel healed to some degree. Not saved, but healing.  

  4. When I was about 8 because I found out Santa Clause was a lie, and thought my parents might be lying to me about God too.

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