
To the educators out there, specifically special ed (I think)?

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Do you feel that someone can have a learning disability in the erea of math and nothing else? If yes, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As of High school ,I've found that I can not retain the info. learned in subjects such as Allgebra, Geometry, Trigonometry etc. I've never had good teachers (the truth) but now that I am pursuing college, I do. The problem is that I can understand really well during class, (I'll even come up with answers when teacher is tired etc.!) and tutoring but can not retain the info. or many 'steps' after two days or so. I am dealing with lots of stress, kind of always have. I do really wonder whether this can be a learning disability and what I can do about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S I don't have 'problems' in any other area, thankfully.




  1. I'm a certified Texas teacher in Special Education:

    Two things, if you have insurance, you can call a psychatrist and ask if they do intellectual testing to find out if you do have a disability.  

    Second, go to the Internet and type in, <state> rehabilitation services.  They may be able to help you find out if you have a disability in that area as well.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Yes, you can have a learning disability that only shows up in math.

    You may have dyscalulia.  This is a lesser known disability and sometimes doesn't show up until someone begins to struggle with higher math.

    A person with disabilities such as dyscalulia, dyslexia, and ADD/ADHD are visual learners (aka picture thinkers or non-verbal thinkers.)

    A picture thinker process with pictures so symbols can cause the mind confusion.  In higher math equations can be problematic for the picture thinker when the problem contains both integers and letters (2A + 8C).

    Integers, numerals, letters, symbols, and abstract words have no pictures!

    The confusion caused in the mind over trying to process what it doesn't understand is the reason you can't master Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, etc.

    There is a math program that would help you to overcome your learning challenges with higher math.  You can learn more about it in The Gift of Learning by Ron Davis or visit .

  3. Yes, you can have learning disabilities in just math.  This type of issue is called 'dyscalculia', meaning math severe math difficulties.  (Dyslexia is the most common typfe of learning disability that relates to difficulty reading, specifically).  The federal government recognizes significant deficits in math calculation or applied math (story problems).  It's true, reading gets more attention, but the federal government has recognized math difficulties since the 60's.

    Before you go diagnosing yourself, did you have a poor math foundation?  You said you've had bad teachers in the past- lacking appropriate education doesn't make you disabled!   You may try remedial math courses to fill in what you've missed in your education.  

    If you have always struggled with math, then you may be talking about something more than a personal weakness.

    Check and see if your college has a Disabled Student Services department and go there to find out how to proceed.  As a warning, they can only help so much.  If you want to be an engineer for example, or a chemist, you have to be able to demonstrate the skills needed, disability or not.

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