
To the experts..........

by  |  earlier

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i would like to password protect things like "My Computer", "My documents", and possibly "Internet Explorer" and so on.......

you guys have any idea how to do this???

pls. give me an good and exact answer!!! it'll be greatful for you if you do this!!

Thank You!




  1. It looks as if you want to lock the entire computer with a password!!

    I don't think you have any Windows default functions to do this; and even of you look for a third party software, locking Internet Explorer, My Documents and My Computer is not at all possible!!!

    Good File and Folder Protection softwares like the following:

    Folder Lock

    Ver 5.9.5

    Folder Guard

    Ver 7.9

    These softwares offer you to protect certain folders you choose to protect them using encryption system, and also has a secret folder in the application [locker] which lets you drag files into it and of course lock them with a password.

    Hope that was a bit of useful information.


  2. How about creating a user-name with password. Seems like you want to lock the entire computer with passwords!!!

  3. dear kapil,

    try folder lock. It is available in the following link

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