
To the females- please answer...?

by  |  earlier

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I got up today with the intention to fast, after fajr went to sleep when I woke up I had real bad stomach cramps so I knew I'd started my period.

My questions are.

1- Is my fast broken?

2- If yes to above question- can I eat right now?

3- Can I still read the quran online?

4- If yes to the above - can I carry on from where I stopped in the hard back quran?

5- and will it be classed as reading one quran as I started from the hard back, as it feels weird reading it online, if you know what I mean?




  1. All i know is that your fast is broken.

    1,2,3 start eating know.

  2. Sorry sister, cant help cuz i'm a male

  3. I think i can help some of these question.

    1- Nope. You can't fast.

    2-You may eat because you can't fast if u are having ur period.

    3-My ustazah (teacher) says that we can't read the Quran if we were having our period. Unless it is a must.

    I hope this help :)


  4. ohhhh

    it's females private question

  5. go back to sleep now

  6. 1- YES, if you bleeding, your fast is broken.

         NO, if you not bleeding and it's only cramps, fast on.

    2- If you bleeding, then yes you may eat...but personally i don't , if i wake up fasting the morning, and then the afternoon discover i got my period, then for that day i fast, just for respect, not for anything else, as i still must pay in that day.

    3- yes. you may read and recite the quran, just don't touch it.On line reading is actually a great idea.

    4-You may carry on from where you stopped.

    5-No, just continue on line where you left off from your Quran  at home.

  7. Take a Midol and relax.  Why would you not be allowed to touch the quran?  Not to be gross or anything, but are your hands covered in blood?  Of course they are not.  Touch the quran.  It's not God.  You guys make that book into an idol and you don't even realize it.  

    EDIT:  It's very necessary to point out the absurdity so others won't fall victim to islam.  Just wondering, where do you see hate in my answer?  Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word.

  8. 1 - yes it is.

    2- yes u can.

    3- y*d u can.

    4- yes but u can't touch it, flip the pages with a kleenex or something.

    5- ya i think so, but i don't really get the Q.

  9. 1. Your fast is not broken unless you start bleeding.

    2. Yes, you can and your fast was counted as it was your intention, so you get the reward even though you brake it. You are not allowed to continue fasting even though it is out of respect, you break your fast when you get your period, and you aren't even allowed to keep fasting after Maghrib. You must break it when you get your period, and don't continue fasting while your on it, it is forbidden. It's like praying when you can't.

    3. Yes, you can read the Quran online.

    4. Yes, you can read from where you left off and it counts as you reading the Quran.

    5. There is nothing wrong with reading Quran from one book and then another Quran, you are still reading the Quran. Whether it's by book, online, reciting while listening, or even reciting from memory, it all counts as reading the Quran and if you continue on from where you left off, it's just as if you read it all in one book in order.

    You're Quran will be accepted and your fast for that day will be accepted and you will be rewarded for it, but you still must make it up when Ramadan is over. You get the rewards for fasting the day, but you must still make it up.

    Do you have any other questions?

  10. If it really has started, then yes, its broken

    Yes, you can eat as your fast is no longer valid

    Yes, you can read the Quran, but where gloves because you are not supposed to touch it

    yes, you can. It doesnt matter

    no, i didnt get what you meant, but it doesnt matter if you read the physical form of the Quran or online. You'll get the same reward

  11. 1- Yes

    2- Yes

    3- Yes

    4- Yes

    5- Quran is Quran weather written on Leaf, Paper, Papyrus, or HTML so Yes.

  12. are you having PMS or you have actually started your period?

    If your period has came, then your fast is broken, of course you can eat,  but have some respect for other muslims who as fasting near you.

    reading the quran i doubt so, just do some dzikir, Allah knows best.  

  13. u could eat right now but u cant read the quran because your considered not clean.

  14. well if their only cramps and not your period then don't break your fast.

    and yes you can still read the Qu'ran (that is if your still clean)

    just continue fasting until your period comes.

  15. 1&2 yes!

    3,4,5, idk, some say its okay as long as u dont touch the Qur'an, some say its not okay coz they believe u have to have wudhu first before reading it which its impossible for u to have wudhu since ure having ur period. Im curious to see the answers. It confuses me

  16. if your period comes then yes you can break your fast but if it's just cramps do not break your fast..yes you can read the qur'an but you can't make salat and you must not touch the ayats or any parts of the hadith

    ramadan mubarack

  17. As for the question related to the Quran ,yes you can read the Quraan from your computer or listen to it ,but you can't touch it even with gloves ,as Allah sobhanah Said:

    (76) that this is an honorable Quran (77) preserved in a hidden Book which (78) no one can touch it except the purified ones (79).

    These verses from :"THE EVENT" (al-waqi'ah).

  18. did you have your period or just got the feeling of that your about to get i

    if you havent goten your period yet then keep the fast and dont eat

    if youve had your period break your fast ritualisty (say the prayer and tell Allah that you are breaking cuz of what..)

    then eat

    and im not sure about reading the quran

    because when you get on your period you become technically unclean

    so i dont know

    after school ill look it up

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