
To the g*y community; will you follow suit?

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g*y Republicans endorse McCain

By Ed Stoddard 1 hour, 7 minutes ago

ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The Log Cabin Republicans endorsed Arizona Sen. John McCain's bid for the presidency on Tuesday, four years after the g*y Republican group refused to back President George W. Bush's bid for reelection.


The endorsement may boost McCain's reputation as a maverick who reaches across partisan lines, but it may not go down well with his party's conservative Christian base.

"Sen. McCain is no George Bush when it comes to g*y issues. We are much more optimistic and enthusiastic about Sen. McCain," Patrick Sammon, the group's president, told Reuters.

The 20,000-member group backed Bush in 2000, but did not endorse him in 2004 when the Republican Party used opposition to g*y marriage as a "wedge" issue to galvanize evangelical Christian voters.

But the group appreciates McCain's opposition to a failed attempt to enact a federal ban on g*y marriage -- a position that angered many conservative evangelical leaders.

"Sen. McCain stood with us. Now we stand with him ... Sen. McCain showed courage by bucking his own party's leadership and the president -- twice voting against the amendment," the Log Cabin Republicans said.




  1. I doubt this will be the deciding factor for very many people, g*y or not.

    Right now I think the biggest issue for most of us is the economy, the cost of gas, dependence on foreign oil, and getting our troops home.  Sadly the only candidate that was willing to face these issues head on is kind of out of the running.

    We need to look into using our own oil, we have a lot of oil under U.S. soil, but we don't drill for it.

    We also need to seriously look at alternatives to oil, but not just bio-fuels because they automatically cut into the food supply and raise the cost of everything.  We need to develop usable vehicles that run on real alternatives, like solar and wind generated electricity.

    We need to bring our troops home.

    We need to limit the size of government.

    We need to respect people's freedoms, whether that freedom is the freedom of a g*y couple to walk down the street without danger of attack, or the freedom of an evangelical Christian to hand out materials that state that homosexuality is a sin.  Both have a right to do what they are doing.

    We need to give parents the right to raise their children as they see fit, without interference from the government (unless the parents are actually abusing the kids of course).  That means that a parent should be free to choose the method of education that they believe to be in their child's best interest, whether that is Public School, Private School, homeschool, or a combination of the three.

    We need to do away with, or severely limit, the gas tax.  Gas prices are high enough without adding almost $2.00 in taxes to every gallon.

    We need to encourage small farms and small businesses, instead of crippling them with endless lists of regulations.

    We need to get people off of welfare and into the workforce.  Welfare should never be allowed to become a lifetime option for able bodied adults.

    Okay, stepping off my soap box now....

    Peace.  :o)


    Well said, Keith C.

  2. Absolutely. I would never vote for Obama. Although he pretends to support g**s, Obama actually refused to have his photo taken with the Mayor of San Francisco (Gavin Newsom) due to the Mayor's support of same s*x marriage. Actions speak louder than words, and Obama fails the test.^

    - Note to "Sophie P" - Don't pretend to speak for g**s, and spare me your amateur "analysis" of things beyond your comprehension.

  3. When he chose Palin, who is outwardly anti-g*y everything- I'm surprised at any g*y support and other will probably not follow suit.

  4. Why can't we as Americans just close our eyes and listen? It's what they stand for that counts. So, he has the g*y vote. Good for him, and now he knows that he will get the vote of San Francisco!

    Obama '08

  5. None that I know. However, you can't control every person out there who hates themselves. Some people have emotional issues.

    No, no g*y person with any self respect, will vote for McCain.

    Oh, and if these supposed g*y McCain supporters like him, they'll LOVE Sarah Palin. (sarcasm)

  6. I think there is a huge misconception that because one is g*y--they have to be a democrat and vote accordingly. There is a much broader picture that involves issues that are not specific to g**s which g**s also base their vote on. I know many g**s who are less concerned with g*y marriage and more concerned with security and the economy..not to  mention that many no longer want to be a member of a party that is no longer what it once has deteriorated. I have g*y friends who are voting republican..I think there are more out there than people think.

  7. This is shocking given Palin's nod as VP. She and McCain are staunchly against g*y rights, g*y unions, and any sort of g*y-friendly policies. Perhaps they spoke to this reporter prior to the VP pick...otherwise, I ahve NO IDEA why they would do this....McCain/Palin do not in any way represent g*y people.

  8. My views are far right and I have no issue with g**s who make their way through life. I could care less what their sexual preference is as long as it doesn't affect me. What bothers me is when they feel they are entitled to more just because they are g*y. It is a small group but a very vocal one. To each his own  


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