
To the guys....but girls can answer too!!?

by  |  earlier

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boyfriends bday is coming up real soon.

need some gift ideas please :)

we've been going out for 6 and a half months-ish.

nice to hear gift do's and donts, stories, anything!





  1. give him some T-shirts from pacsun

  2. Get him Radiohead CDs.

  3. sports or concert tickets

    itunes gift card

    sports equipment if he's into that sort of thing

    a video game

    a nice soft wallet

    how old is he??

    something that he'll USE. not something that is just to be looked at. men are much more functional than emotional. plus, he'll think of you everytime he uses it!!

  4. depends on what he likes, does he like watches? if so be careful picking out a watch BC some guys are picky (like me lol)

    also a nice wallet would be thoughtful and if you have the money get a nice one like coach or Gucci...... your money goes in and out so much easier lol (not kidding)

  5. Would have helped if you would have said an age :P

    But a pretty easy gift is always just a gift card to a certain store they like to shop at?  

    If you tell us some of his interest, his personality, etc. I could probably give a little better suggestion.

    But you can't go wrong with a gift card :)

  6. how about a nice button down shirt?

  7. nice watch

  8. a watch, a new wallet, go see the movies, make him a asurprise part, do something he enjoys doing.

  9. depends how old you are

    15-18                  i guess like cologne or watch

    19 and older         s*x or sumthin i guess

  10. give him a day for HIM .

    bake him something thats always romantic like a cake with frosting write how you love him something cute .  

  11. dinner and a movie of his choice?

    or a visa gift card so he can pick out his own gift!

    or ask him what he would like some men are hard to buy

    for cause  they get what they want and that don't leave

    anything for you to buy them you got buy him a bottle of his

    favorite Cologne or after shave or something else you know

    he likes that he uses up or a gift certificate to a video store

    to rent movies together!

  12. Do's:  card, cologne, watch, shirt, movie theater gift card, i-tunes giftcard, CD, DVD

    Don't's:  stuffed animal, underwear, tie, sweater

  13. tell him truly, what you are feeling.

    how much you love him, that will be the best present for him as I think!

    hahaha I am a man, maybe he will see as I see..

    goooooooooooooooood luck!

  14. i love it when people give eachother inside jokes.

    like anything that reminds you of a time when you guys had fun together, laughed a lot, or went through something amazing.

    its so cute and personal :]

    good luck!

  15. Put out

    Initiate a 3some

    role play

  16. Just find out what he really likes and get him something from that area - if your good in the kitchen you could cook him a bday dinner or take him somewhere special.

    An example: my boyfriend likes playboy - so i went out and bought several small gifts related to play boy and put it together and he loved it

    Golden rule: Its always the thought that counts - so it doesnt really matter what you get him as long as you are thinking of him on his special day

  17. Guys like toys something they can have fun with. h**l a toy he can use on you always works.

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