
To the heart of Mexico?

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I want to go to Mexico with a few friends of mine. However, I am not talking about a trip to Cancun or just another US bordering city. I want to experience Mexico as in the heart of Mexico (maybe Mexico City). The problem is, Mexicans here in Texas have warned me that it is far to dangerous for me and my friends to go there without a guide who is fluent in Spanish and knows the culture in and out. How can I make this trip happen without paying for a guide to come with us and still be safe? No one from our group speaks too much Spanish but I was hoping that we can just take the trip with books, etc. like people do when they travel to European countries or China. Let me know if it really is too dangerous or there is a way to make it without running into trouble. Thanks.




  1. No, it's not "too dangerous" if you take just the normal precautions you'd take in a HUGE city (think more or less NYC) and use your common sense..... not walking on the streets or use the subway at night, go in bad neighborhoods, show off your $$ or belongings (cameras, devices), etc. There are pick pockets everywhere from Prague to Rome or Paris. But I agree with others that learning some more spanish before you come will be really helpful, as people here don't speak that much english and some could try to take advantage of your condition as a tourist. If you come to Mexico city you could go to many other interesting places that are quite close, such as Queretaro, Puebla, Cuernavaca.... by all means get a map of the city and the subway and you should be ok (provided that you're not 15 year old and traveling with people of your same age only).

  2. Listen to your Mexican friends there in Tx. Have the " experience " by all means, but the overwhelming similarity in the answers given by those in the know sounds like sound advice.You did not mention gender and age. It's important for us to advise.Your Mexican friends consider the person asking when they are giving you their opinion so I have to lean towards their advice. Give it more time and research - Tons of places in the country to explore and learn from - Mexico City isn't the right one , right now for you. Please don't make a comparison of Europe and Mex............ Not even comparable.

    Have you been to Mexico before? The poverty will shock you . Learn the basic Spanish and you will " Limp by " in you ease of communication. There is not a huge amount of English and gets to virtually none the further you got away from the metropolis. So learn a wide variety of word's and they may giggle at your Spanish but they understand what it is you want, or are asking about.

  3. Well its not that difficult to get around in mexico eventhough the spanish will be a problem but as long as you can understand them its good the other thing is that they will sell you things at a higher price because they know you are from the US so watch out but you should go I mean Im not mexican Im from Guatemala and I know how to speak spanish but their are also people who speak english so dont worry but take the book=)

  4. Member since: December 16, 2005

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    I have driven through 18 of the 31 states in Mexico with a limited knowledge of Spanish. A phrase book helps. But an understanding of how the letters or a word are pronounced is very important. If you read a phrase in the phrase book and can't pronounce it in a way that a Mexican can understand it, the phase book is worthless.

    You need to know how to ask for a room for the night, how to order a meal and how to ask directions.

    You can get by with hand signals for some things. Like if you're waiting for the check for your meal. Simply catch the waiter's eye, raise your hands and pretend you're writing on your hand. That's his signal to total the bill and give you the check.

    You don't say if you'll be driving in or flying in. If you're planning on driving, search the old answers for "Mexico border with car" because there are some documents you must have to cross the border.

    2 days ago - Report It

  5. Isn't too dangerous, you're not going to war, although you should be carefull, Mexico city it's huge and has a couple of not very safe zones ( like many cities in the world) you can travel to Cuernavaca, Guanajuato, Queretaro etc, wich are smaller but also nice and less dangerous, there are many people in Mexico who knows how to speak english ( just like me, im mexican) so you shouldn't worry too much, just use your common sense like , don not dring alcohol in the streets, do not drink too much, or at all if you're not over 18, see if someone looks suspicious, etc, nothing more, nothing less...

  6. Don't worry, dear. I was, this summer, three weeks in Mexico (two women), without knowing Spanish and everything was O.K. So, enjoy your trip !

  7. Go to Mexico City, it is so beautiful!!  Its like being in any big metro area, use your common sense and you will be fine.  Make sure you use telephone taxis, and dont try to drive!  

    I hope you do go and have a blast!

  8. I have driven through 18 of the 31 states in Mexico with a limited knowledge of Spanish.  A phrase book helps.  But an understanding of how the letters or a word are pronounced is very important. If you read a phrase in the phrase book and can't pronounce it in a way that a Mexican can understand it, the phase book is worthless.

    You need to know how to ask for a room for the night, how to order a meal and how to ask directions.

    You can get by with hand signals for some things.  Like if you're waiting for the check for your meal.  Simply catch the waiter's eye, raise your hands and pretend you're writing on your hand.  That's his signal to total the bill and give you the check.

    You don't say if you'll be driving in or flying in.  If you're planning on driving, search the old answers for "Mexico border with car" because there are some documents you must have to cross the border.

  9. To really experience Mexico, you need to speak more than a few words of spanish. Usually people who travel to Europe and China take a guided tour unless they speak the language or have relatives there.

    Find someone that will be your guide for some of the time. One of you should take a language course in spanish.  Or at least get some language tapes and practice. Any country can be dangerous if you don't know the rules and the laws. You don't want to end up in a Mexican jail. Travel books are an excellent way to pick up some tips.

    I wish you good luck. It sounds like a fun trip. I'm sure you will be fine with research and knowledge of the country's laws. The can do and the can't do. )

  10. I am a single American woman living in "the REAL Mexico'...came knowing very little Spanish...and I have had no problems.  Mexican people are 99% kind and helpful.  Use common sense, stay away from bars and drugs, you will be safe and have a wonderful time.  Be sure to spend time in medium and small towns.

  11. no if its guys i dont think that its to dangerous. mexico is so beautiful that you are going to want to stay there i loved it there. no its not dangerous they just say that so you wont go. if you are with a couple people thats good. just make sure you guys know whats what. i hope this helps you and enjoy mexico its wonderful especially the beaches i would recommend puerto vallarta and manzanillo

  12. ok...i am a girl who lived in mexico and didn't speak spanish at first, so i sort of have a good perspective.  i think that 1) mexicans as a culture are a little paranoid of violence...hense the warnings. 2)ignorance is bliss.  if you had asked me a year ago i would have told you that it was perfectly safe.  but now that i really understand things better, i can tell you that i did so many dangerous things and just got lucky.

    whta i recommend to you is that you do come, but avoid mexico city this first time.  i highly recommend aguascalientes, ags.  zacatecas, guanajuato, gto. guadalajara, san miguel de allende, and...i would say michoacan, but the drug trafficing situation there right now is quite dangerous.  these cities are very colonial and will give you a great flavor for mexico, but they are also smaller and there are no major issues going on there right now.  san miguel de allende has SOOO many english speakers, as does guadalajara.  and the others are hit or miss, but that's part of the adventure right?  if you need an english speaker, look for college aged people...most educated mexicans have taken english classes.

    for safety, you should always travel in a group, take main highways and first class buses, don't flaunt your wealth if you have any, dress modestly (t's and jeans, or shorts) and mainly just take basic precausions as you would on any vacation.  ask for recommendations from your hotels, and stick to tourist type destinations.  use the city taxi cabs, don't take rides.  

    travelling by bus is very safe, and i ALWAYS recommend ETN Buslines.  you can go to to take a peak.  they go to all the cities i recommended, as well as mexico city if you dare to risk it..which i don't think you should. and if you do, don't ever ever ever hail a taxi off the street, you must call ahead.  and don't stay in a cheap hotel there either.  i really think you need more language skills to go there.  many dangerous areas for tourists look nice and safe in mexico city, and they are not.

    i wouldn't go around carrying your book...keep it in your bag.  i don't think you need to be fluent in the language OR the culture to vacation in mexico.  in general people are very kind and forgiving.

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