
To the men out there, how early would you like to know your partner is pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 kids, my partner does not have any. I just found out I'm 4 weeks pregnant, due to a missed period, following a home pregnancy test. I'm not sure how he'll react because he has told me he's not sure if he wants kids of his own.




  1. I would like to know immediately. The sooner we know, the sooner we can prepare ourselves (and you). He might warm up to the idea once you tell him. Kids scare me at first, but, over time, after it sinks in, it's pretty cool.

  2. That's too bad that he doesn't want kids.  He had s*x with you and the two of you are going to have a child whether he wants one or not and he will need to take responsibility.

    I would tell him ASAP that you took a home pregnancy test and it was positive.  Make sure to schedule a doctor's appointment right away so they can do the urine test and get you started on prenatal care.

  3. well u can either tell him now so he wont be mad or leave him before he finds out.your choice.

  4. just curious - - do you think he will stay with you?

    i hope so, how long have you two been together?

  5. Since this is going to make up his mind about having children of his own, I would tell him sooner rather than later.  Let him digest this info for a bit.

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