
To the muslim men: Would you marry a good muslimah who . . .?

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is very kind, respects everyone, has good atitude to Allah, and all the other good things you could ever want BUT has family issues? Tell the HONEST truth. Remember, in Islam, it is a sin to lie, so say the honest truth.

And vice versa for women (would you marry a man who is a very good muslim, respects Allah, very honest, etc.)

My opinion is that I would marry a good muslim man who is honest, has respect toward others, has good attitude towards Allah and has other good qualities. Even if he had some family issues because it's not his fault that his family is like that, and as long as he is good for my deen, I'm absolutley ok with that.




  1. maybe. Family issues can really mess things up regardless of how good of a Muslim the person is.  

  2. well, i marry the woman not her family.

    so yes, i will do it.

    family issues could get fixed. but a bad husband or wife is difficult to find.

  3. I would be marrying the man not his family, so of course i would. If he's got a good personality then his family is sue's could not have effected him that much could they? I wouldn't judge a man on his family and background unless they effected how he is in a bad way.

  4. Aslong as her family stays the jahanum away from me

  5. In USA, family is not an issue.

    I will marry NON Fighting happy woman.

  6. Depends on the extent of the family issues.  Like if the girls dad was in the mafia or a dentist, i'd stay away from that.  

  7. IT IS PERMISSABLE TO keep peace

  8. yes, cause im marrying her, not her family

  9. well im marrying him not his family

    so that wouldnt bother me at all

    as long as he loved me n had the

    qualities u just mentioned, then

    im happy, if he has family issues

    then thats not his fault =)=)=)

  10. It all depends on how much of those family issues have an effect on our marriage, and what exact issues are you talking about?  

  11. anyone as long as she is not a shia (in another word, who doesnt have STDs)

  12. Yes I will.. as said, Family issues isn't her fault, plus she must be needing someone by her side during family fights etc etc..

  13. It will be an issue if the family issues are a big issue as it may turn to be an issue later in married life. Normal issues are ignored before the perfection of the life partner.

  14. Yeah I would, his family issues doesn't define him as a person

  15. Yes, but if she does not respect her father and mother, how will she respect me. If the issue has nothing to do with that, then like i said before, yes i would.

  16. Everyone has family issues, I have yet to come across someone who doesn't, especially if they're p**i haha.

  17. Right now I am sick of men

  18. Yes i would, but i would want to move far away from his family if he has really bad family issues.  

  19. if she is that nice, i could careless about Family issues!!

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