
To the parents of those with children at least 18 ?

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I am curious if you are happy with how your children are doing in life? Are they doing the things that you thought they should be? Are they happy with their own lives? If you are a parent of more than one adult do you have one child who is clearly happier with life than the next? What has made the difference?

Just curious!




  1. I have a son who is 18 just graduated highschool and now in college majoring in medical biology I have a 28 year old daughter who is a finacial advisor and then I have a 30 year old daughter that has 3 children and keeps wanting to hang on my shirttail

  2. I am not happy with my adult child, who is now 20.  When she was 18 she falsely accused me of a crime, but the police didn't believe her as the evidence was against her.  Then she proceeded to alienate all of her old friends (most of whom were decent people) and of course I don't know her new friends.  I have no idea whether she is happy or not, because we rarely communicate, and never about anything of importance.

  3. Im not a parent I am the oldest child of two adults and a 17yr old. Me personally I am married 24 yrs old pregnant with my first child.  I stay home while my hubby works full time and goes to school full time (he gets a GI bill for school for serving his country and a year in Iraq) We have the average same bills with TWO jeep payments totaling almost 700 a month. we have internet cable a computer and a laptop. We have food in our fridge and get to do what we want when we want for the most part. (just dropped 100 bucks at the fair) We pay everything on time every month. Now my brother who is 11 months younger then me is so far in debt that he had to move out of his place and is now living with my mother (his girlfriend is also living there) He is working two shift and over 40 hours with only car insurance cell and gas to pay for. He has to sell he truck cause he can not afford the gas. His phone has been shut off many times. My mother babies him and pushed me away. I have turned out great and love my life. My brother I am ashamed for him for how he lives as well as my mom. She cant afford her bills and food and she wont get a job. My step father is a postal worker who makes good money and overtime but still are badly in debt. I think how people turn out is how they feel about them selfs and if they are strong enough to do it on there own.  

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