
To the teenagers on this site-do they still teach SPELLING in the public schools? If they do, do you skip it?

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I am at a loss...




  1. I'm with 'ya!  What annoys me even more is when a business has misspellings on their sign. The plumbing company down the street had this on their sign for almost a month this summer, "Devidided we fall" How patriotic! What happend to the thought that your written communication is a representation of yourself and something you should take pride in? Oh! I know-txt msgs!!!

  2. In my district they teach spelling through middle school. When typing on the internet we don't talk with grammar though, it's a waste of time.  

  3. Yeah, that’s what I think to myself. Are these teens that uneducated???  

  4. Not after grade school and no one rereads their stuff. On top of that short hand has improved internet typing but has killing spelling

    yes i know their is a gramatical error

  5.      I am not a teenager but would like to offer my opinion.  In order for any subject to be retained by the student it must not only be taught but also must have some value to the student and/or his family of origin.  for example if multiplication was neither taught nor of value then it would not really be learned.  My hunch is that spelling for the most part is just taught in the elementary school and forgotten thereafter.  So, if you didn't catch it then there is probably lurking ahead some trouble.  A real interest in words and their formation is not of much interest to children, parents, or their teachers.

       Yes there is spell check but a huge lack of typing skills.  It seems it is much more important to know how to turn on a computer and its programs but not necessarily how to type without errors.

  6. grmr dnt mttr in 2008 m8.  

  7. Yes, "there's" a spell check. But, alas, there is no grammar check.  

  8. LoL

    I am guessing the bad speller teenagers are cursing this site now.....They probably thinking this site is also another type of school...............

  9. teenagers (me included) prefer to skip letters making it faster to type if u do it all the time u get use to it and somtimes skip things even when ur not surpose to.

  10. Of course they teach spelling. Students have just forgotten how to learn. Anything. In general.

  11. They can't even use spell check.

  12. No, they can spell - but apparently nobody has explained to them that spelling isn't just something mean teachers make you learn for schoolwork. They simply haven't realised that it matters for the outside world.

  13. This is a great question!  In this day of gadgets and computers, it is fun and cool for young people to know and use the new, abbreviated language.  All their friends do it and it goes world wide.  I wonder how their job applications will look and how they will communicate verbally with people face to face.  When I took short hand in high school (OMG!), it interfered a little with my spelling, because it is phonetical and abbreviated.  At least texting and IM-ing are easy to understand, provided you are fluent in that language.  There are typing and keyboarding classes online that are free.  I would want my kids to spend time on these.  If you know spelling, grammar and typing, you can type faster and look smarter at the same time.  Spell checkers don't get it all, either.  They make alot of errors and don't understand context.  This spell checker is telling me right now to correct my spelling.  It also tells me, "Hmmm, it looks like you have a lot of punctuation.  " Hello?!"  I would like to hear from more students and teachers.    

  14. i only had it in elementary school.  as you progress in school teachers care less about how things are spelled and more about the content of the papers.  most people can spell the basic words but if its misspelled thats probably b/c they just dont care enough to use spell check.

  15.    Kids' brains have not developed the neural pathways for empathy. Combine this with the fact that spelling may not come naturally, and you have your answer. Kids do not see any reason to do something that is tedious and sometimes painfully embarrassing.

       There are also two types of spelling. You are doing the biggie right now, reading. Writing spelling is three or four developmental years behind, and often mistaught using traditional spelling tests. Sustained silent reading would be a much better use of time.


  16. LOL. And theres a spell check which makes it more funny

  17. As a parent, I can say they still do in elementary, but I believe that is where they stop.........Some states perhaps stop sometime before elementary is over though, or so it would seem right?

  18. Most people just can't spell.  It isn't just teenagers, either.  Some of the most intelligent people I know couldn't spell to save their lives.

  19. no

  20. A lot of people struggle with spelling and I find this question really rude. Me and my sister are good spellers and have both been in spelling bees, but usually people aren't like that. Everybody's different!

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