
To those men wanting to coerce women to carry unwanted pregnancies to term... will you share?

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In the PTSD? Which is actually fairly common after "ordinary" childbirth, never mind forced childbirth:

"It is clear that some women experience events during childbirth (as well as in pregnancy or immediately after birth) that would traumatise any normal person.

For other women, it is not always the sensational or dramatic events that trigger childbirth trauma but other factors such as loss of control, loss of dignity, the hostile or difficult attitudes of the people around them, feelings of not being heard or the absence of informed consent to medical procedures.

Research into the area is limited and, to date, it has largely focused on the importance of the type of delivery. It is clear however, that there are risk factors for Post Natal PTSD which include a very complicated mix of objective (e.g. the type of delivery) and subjective (e.g. feelings of loss of control) factors."




  1. It's "her body her choice" so it should be "her responsibility" as well.

  2. You don't think getting an abortion is tramautic?  I think killing a life is kind of tough to deal with.  Especially given all the loving families who desperately want to adopt.

  3. Very interesting question.  It's high time this issue was studied - of extreme stress during pregnancy and birth (and why not throw in breast-feeding which can be extremely stressful too.)

    EDIT:  PTSD is post traumatic stress disorder, duh!  Why don't you people look it up if you don't know?!

  4. I'll share in whatever the h**l PTSD is if you give me full custody of the kids and child support every month.

    Because i mean, you didn't want the kid anyway, so i'll take care of it myself.

    Seriously, the problem i have with abortion is that my right to be a dad is well, nonexistant.

    I'm at the mercy of the mother as to whether or not i get to be a dad, and that doesn't sit right with me.

    Sure its your body, but its my kid too, its 50% me, and i love it too.

    Seriously, your not the only one involved.

    Shiphrah: Thats awesome, you were right to do research of your own. Although you should generally listen to doctors, since they do know more than you about this, no matter how much research you do, you were right in this case, the doctor obviously wasn't giving you the truth when he gave you the line about your baby dying if you didn't do this.

  5. I agree that this issue needs more research.  I remember being horrified at the extent to which my first delivery departed from the birth plan I'd been encouraged to make.  So when I became pregnant with my second child I made a number of issues absolutely clear and set in stone: no episiotomy, no c-section unless my life was in danger, no fetal heart monitoring and no drip.  The doctors were shocked and used emotional blackmail to try to get me to change my mind.  One doctor said "Do you want your baby to be the one that dies?"  

    But I had done my research very thoroughly and had found medical publications to back up my decisions.And I knew they couldn't force me to go through any procedures if I refused.  However, they put an enormous amount of pressure on me.

    As things turned out, I was right.  My second labour was less than three hours from start to finish.  It was easy as pie.  Yay me.  (The third labour was just over one hour from start to finish. I like being right!)

    But the thing that still rankles is the subtext I was hearing from them: we know best; you're just a pregnant woman; if you don't do what we say you're a bad mother.  That in itself was somewhat traumatic, and it's hard to put it behind me, even though everything went perfectly in the end (because I did it my way).

  6. ptsd forced childbirth ? Okay you are officially nuts, childbirth does not equal rape or going to war.

  7. I do not believe that any women should be forced to be pregnant if she doesn't want to be. The best thing is for all girls and women to use some sort of contraception whenever they have s*x with a male to prevent both pregnancy and STDs. Viruses are easily transmitted via sperm; they bind to the sperm. So use a barrier method please,ladies!

    In addition, if your contraception method fails please use the morning after pills which you can get from pharmacies now. If that fails, you should be able to get a safe, cheap abortion if you want one.  No males should be able to legislate what women are allowed to do with our bodies.

    For the males out there, please use condoms to prevent getting a gilrl pregnant or passing an STD to her.  If you want to have a baby with a woman, please wait until she is at least age 18 and consents! If so, you both will be glad for the baby.

  8. share what?

  9. Since men are generally the ones who have to pay child support in the event that the woman chooses to abstain from receiving an abortion, I think men should have some actual say-so power as to whether or not a woman gets an abortion, since the decision is directly pertinent to his life.

    Consent to s*x is consent to eighteen years of financial obligation? Well, consent to s*x is then consent to nine months of pregnancy and child birth. Don't like it? Tough titty.

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