Hi all. Recently I've been trying to learn economics. However, as this is mostly personal study, I want to make sure that I've been reading sound theories and I've been building an academic foundation that I'll be able to build upon without having to unlearn bad theories--malinvestments, if you will...:-)
That said, could someone be so kind as to tell me if there is a "purest" school (Chicago, Keynesian, Austrian etc)? Or is it just a matter of opinion. I just want to make sure that I don't go down a hazardous path that will take a long time to recover from. Thanks!
oh fyi-- I started with Hazlitt's Economics in One Lesson, which definitely hooked me. From there I've gone through some Mises, Rothbard, and I just started a book by George Reisman. Obviously these are great (mostly libertarian) thinkers, but are they..."orthodox"?
thanks again