I have a question/suggestion those here who are on the list. Have you considered creating a website for yourselves that provides this information. A website that gently teaches adoptive parents, birthmothers, adoptees, hopful adoptive parents about the reality of adoption. Not a black and red "Death to adoptive parents" website but an informative place for all to visit. You could also provide state listing of all government and private agencies available for expectant mothers who are considering adoption.. There are way to many programs out there that any mother should be considering adoption for financial reason alone. A forum for each would be nice..a place for adoptees, and another for hopful parents. Link on everything from name changing to stories both good and bad. I also think that this would help a lot of you in dealing with some issues you may have in regurds to your own adoption..Perhaps the healing process can begin when you feel heard and are helping mother's keep their