
To those smart people out there ! ! !?

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is the freedom of the press suppressed or not?????

hope you can help me... a paragraph can do.... thanks i owe yeh =]




  1. No, the freedom of the press is not suppressed.  But I do wish they would use better judgment in the telling of the news.  A lot of it these days is done merely for headline grabbing, for the emotional impact, or what I call trash news.  I've become very selective about how I get my "news" these days. And so much of it is a slanted view, depending on the political ties of the newspaper or TV station.  I'm tired of the gore, politicking and sensationalism.  Haven't picked up a newspaper or watched the 11:00 news in years.  Don't miss it a bit and I still manage to stay current on important news events.

  2. Well...let me put it to you this way...

    When you see The Chief Editor of the New York Times playing a few rounds of golf with Conservative Republican Military Generals, Senators, and Presidents...

    Nuf said about THAT, Baby...

  3. In this age of the Internet, with You Tube like references one can access to view what is happening now, the freedom of the press is wider than it was. One can view or read the sugar coated versions in the papers or on the TV news and view the uncensured versions on the Net.

  4. We still have freedom of the press.

    However, the news media are mostly owned by corporations now -- an utterly ghastly thing to have happened, because journalists are supposed to not be encumbered that way.  So that's why you never hear about most of the really rotten things that corporations do to people in the name of making a damned buck.

    As regards the media reporting on what government does, I can't believe how timid they have become -- indeed, a lot of them function almost as press agents for politicians!  A lot of journalists have forgotten that they are supposed to be the watchdogs of government, not its lapdogs.

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