
To those that prejudged Fallon and c/o.?

by  |  earlier

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Your preconcieved ideas were wrong,all you stupid people who called him a cheat and such likes,on this site..YOUR WRONG HaHa..Sack the Police sue Betfair..




  1. like i have already said because the case collapsed it doesn't mean hes innocent it was the prosecutions and initially the polices incompetence at gathering the evidence properly. why did he have an unregistered phone there are to many unanswered questions and if you think that fallon didnt have anything to do with losing at least some of the 27 races in question then you are the most gullible man on the planet. look at the race at lingfield when he was 10 lengths clear inside the final furlong and got beat now if thats not deliberately losing a race tell me what is

  2. Fallon is NOT innocent, the case collapsed.  If he wants to be proved to be innocent then the case needs to be taken to trial again.

    I agree that the police were inept, they should never have used that Australian as the "expert" witness.  And why sue Betfair?  All they did was report suspicious betting paterns to the HRA, they did not implicate Fallon it was the HRA's investigation that found the connection.

    He is far from an angel, just look at these new drug allegations that have come out today, if the B sample comes back positive he will be looking at at least another 6 months on the sidelines:

  3. the case collapsed simply because the police were inept at what they did,Mr.Fallon is a long way from squeaky clean and he knows he is one of the luckiest men on the planet to get away with this,he committed no murder but it is on the same scale as o.j. in America.for those of you who think he is innocent i say keep dreaming.the man could not lie straight in bed.basically he is a disgrace to the racing community.A very flawed genius.

  4. True, he was cleared but I think he will have a tough time convincing 'everyone' of his innocence.

      I didn't follow the case as much I would of liked but seen and read alot of evidence which suggests he is far from squeaky clean.

    Please stick to what you are good at Mr Fallon, riding quality horses with amazing ability

  5. The Money spent on this case is disgusting. Surely,this could have been used to provide free gear for junkies. Even better free drink for plonkers, or jobs for illegal workers. ( I would have said immigrant, but can,t spell it .)  Have a nice day (all of you.)  Greetings!

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