
To those those who believe there are errors in the Bible...?

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Do you hate God?

I just saw a few people in another question claim that those who find errors in the Bible are (basically) either not smart enough, too arrogant to really understand, or they simply hate God.

Seeing as how I know many of you don't believe in God, isn't it kind of hard to hate him?




  1. Hey Miss Z -

    I don't hate God. Actually I'm a Christian that loves God very much. However, there are just too many contradictions in the Bible for me to interpret it literally. While I believe that much of it was inspired by God and a faith in God, that doesn't mean God's the one who wrote it down. We can only see through our own eyes, hear with our own human ears and put the words on the page as best we can. How could it possibly be a 100% accurate description of God's intention.

    I know there are going to be some Christians out there that shake their heads at my answer or even give me a thumbs down (which I don't think is very nice!) but that's my opinion. God gave me the free will to express it.

    Have a great day!!!!!

    EDIT - almost forgot! Yes, how could you hate God if you don't believe in God? Very odd.

  2. If I think that a road map is incorrect how illogical would it be for me to hate the destination I was trying to reach?!

    In essence all humanity is seeking the same thing. Some have different maps to that destination others create their own. But we are all heading in the same direction in some sense or another. The faster those quick on the defense learn this the better for everyone.

  3. Dude, there are A LOT of errors in the bible.  I have faith in God and believe that Jesus Christ is His Son.  But, I mean, come on, its obvious.  Just the formation of the bible tells you it was a flawed process-

    The fact about 1/4 of it had to be removed because it was of known questionable origin should be enough to tell you that it wasnt ever intended to be a perfect summation of belief.

    Some people are crazy, they've taken idol worship to new lows and worship a book, as though God cant speak except through the words of the book.  

    Do they remember the priests of Baal and Elijah? (1kings18)  If God is not a living God, if he doesnt talk and touch and move, he is not the same God whose words are recorded in the bible.  Talk about people worshipping false gods....

  4. I find it amusing when they say we "hate" God. Especially when we've already stated we don't believe in him.


    Just because you look for errors doesnt signify you have a hate for it.

    English teachers don't look for errors because they hate their students...

    neither do math teachers...

  5. That is fundamentalist propaganda.

    I do not hate something I don't believe in except maybe the underwear gnomes.  I don't believe in them but I hate what they stand for ~ stealing underwear and creating chaos in effect.  Ok.  No.  I don't really hate them either.

  6. Those who find errors in the Bible can read, make a reasoned and independent judgement. Anyone who can't accept that is obviously mentally defective. So what's the problem?

  7. Well you could hate him like you hate Simon Legree or Voldemort I guess - as a hateful literary character prone to violence, irrational outbursts and paranoia.

    But that's about it.

  8. God is NOT the Bible.  

  9. No.  I just hate the fact that the Nicene Council decided to put anything in other than the quite peaceable and moral teachings of Christ!  Think of the amount of trouble that would have been averted!

    When asked what the two most important commandments of the ten were, Jesus summed up all of the good lessons from anywhere in the Bible whilest leaving out any of the bad or misinterpreted!

    Honestly if you treat others as you'd have them treat you and you love your neighbour as yourself etc. then you automatically don't murder, thieve or disrespect anyone!  What could be simpler?

  10. Exactly. It's like asking if I hate Voldemort.

    What many that think that we are either not smart enough or too arrogant to understand, don't realize that many atheists were Christian at one time. Many have studied the Bible in depth. In my case I even used Greek and Hebrew translation concordances to re-translate passages that I did not understand or seemed contradictory. I dare say, not many Christians have gone that far.

  11. Just because people find errors in the bible does not make them god haters.  You can't hate something if you don't believe in it.

    I would also like to say that people who do find the errors would not be considered Not Smart, but observant and intelligent

  12. I don't see how it is possible to hate a figure of others imaginations. I seem to think that they them selves are far more arrogant to judge those they do not know nor understand.

  13. Is there a link? Many believers think that everyone has a God-shaped hole and they don't understand people who don't believe

    It's not possible to hate something you don't believe in but you can hate how the followers affect you/your life

  14. Oh no! It's a well thought out question. Christian soldiers report!

    I do not hate God. If I did believed in the Chrisitan god though, yes, I would hate him. There is way too much injustice in the world that shouldn't be attributed to not being faithful enough.  

  15. It is possible to hate a concept of something even if it doesn't exist.  The concept of god is very strong in the true believers and creates problems and intolerance in the followers.  

    In this case an atheist many not believe in god but may hate the result of the influence of god.  

    I'm not sure I properly explained what I meant here, but perhaps you'll understand what I'm getting at.

  16. I dont believe in everything the bible says and I believe in God.

  17. You're right, you can't hate that which doesn't exist

  18. K, well first of all.

    There are some errors in the Bible because through the centuries priests, pastors... religious and non religious people took out the parts that people thought they didn't need. There are many different versions of the Bible and each very slightly. Also, that means that each gospel doctrine has a different meaning for a a church using one of those different versions.

    I believe in God, and that Christ suffered and died for our sins.  

  19. I feel that this is because they don't understand God's love for them.  The Bible is a history book of mankind's relationship with God.  It is  trials and errors and the consequences of  not having faith in God, not following His laws.

    Many lay blame where it does not belong.  If They don't acknowledge God, He is not here in their eyes.  Who better to blame, than the one who created us all?  To hate God is to hate "self"!

  20. Propaganda, this is all about patriotism and blind faith. I support neither. One should search for the truth and absolutes in life. One of those absolutes are the simple fact that humanity is fallible. He always was, and always will be. People need to stop assuming that anything is perfect and they are always right.

  21. Deist Answer--

    The Bible is literature. It is not meant to be taken literally. It may point to God--like Science, History, and Philosophy--but it is just one piece of the puzzle.

    I'm sure the same thing can be said for any religious text.

    People who take it too literally are the real fundies--these can be dangerous, but they also serve a purpose.

  22. Not sure what you mean by "errors" There are some words and phrases that learned men and women disagree over the translation of.

    Red sea or reed sea comes to mind ?

    "thou shalt not kill" or "thou shalt not murder" ?

    Whether all the Mary's (not the mother) are one women or many?

    The seven days of creation?  Were they of equal length or were the first few billions of years long?

    Even those few people who understand Aramaic, classical Greek and Latin do not and can not guess at the idiomatic use of certain phrases.

    Until the Babylonian exile the OT was a growing and adapting oral tradition Only when it was written down did it became codified. The NT was a ever expanding set of letters, histories and miscellany until the Church of Rome picked those parts that best supported their point of view.

    Equating a book with the love of God is just lazy logic.

    "love the lord your God with all your heart and all your mind all the time" and you won't need to look to books or idols or other people who claim to speak for God

    Know God = Know Peace of mind

    All paths lead to God

    Some are longer then others but in the end we each must travel our own path not someone else's.  

  23. Fair enough,

    But can anyone answer me that why in the world are Christians tampering with "The Word Of God"??

    MATHEW 17:21


    K.J.V     Howbeit this kink goes not out but by prayer and fasting.

    R.S.V       Omitted

    N.I.V       Omitted

    G.N.B       Omitted

    L.B.V       Omitted (This Bible is known as the LIVING BIBLE. Published

                        previously in 1962. It represents another great change

                        in its verses and expression in comparison to the other

                        versions of the Bible. According to some Christian

                        authorities it is considered as a shameful Bible.)

    MARK 9:44


    K.J.V     Where their warm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.

    R.S.V     Omitted

    G.N.B     Omitted

    N.I.V     Omitted

    L.B.V     Omitted

    MARK 9:46


    K.J.V     Where their warm dies not, and the fire is not quenched.

    R.S.V     Omitted

    N.I.V     Omitted

    G.N.B     Omitted

    L.B.V     Omitted

    MARK 16:9-20


    K.J.V     (all paragraph from 9 till 20.

    R.S.V     Omitted (in edition 1952 and restored in recent editions)

    (The commentators of recent versions admitted at the footnotes of N.I.V AND

    R.S.V AND L.B.V that these verses were exposed to many additions and insertions


    "The most reliable manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark

    16:9-20" (N.I.V)

    "Verses 9-20 are not found in the most ancient manuscripts, but may be

    considered an appendix giving additional facts." (L.B.V)

    "Some of the most ancient authorities bring the book to a close at the end of

    verse 8. One authority concludes the book by ADDING after verse 8 the


    'But they reported briefly to Peter and those with him all that they had been

    told.. ETC.' Other authorities include the preceding passage and continue with

    verses 9-20. In most authorities verses 9-20 follow immediately after verse 8;

    a few authorities INSERT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL after verse 14." (R.S.V)

    LUKE 9:56


    K.J.V    For the son of man is not come to destroy men's life, but save.

    R.S.V    Omitted

    N.I.V    Omitted

    G.N.B    Omitted

    L.B.V    Omitted

    LUKE 17:36


    K.J.V.   Two men shall be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other


    R.S.V    Omitted

    N.I.V    Omitted

    G.N.B    Omitted

    JOHN 5:4


    K.J.V    For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled

             the water. Whosoever then after the troubling of the water stepped in

             was made of whatsoever disease he had.

    R.S.V    Omitted

    N.I.V    Omitted

    G.N.B    Omitted

    1 JOHN 5:7


    K.J.V   For there are three that bear witness in heaven, the father and the

            word and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.

    R.S.V   Omitted

    N.I.V   For there are three that testify: The spirit The water, and the blood

            and these three are in agreement.

    G.N.B   There are three witnesses: The spirit the water and the blood, and all

            three give the same testimony.

    L.B.V   The verses 6,7,8 are totally omitted.



    K.J.V   For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son.

    R.S.V   For God so love the world that he gave his only son.

    N.I.V   For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son.

    G.N.B   For God so love the world, so much that he gave his only son.

    L.B.V   For God loved the world so much that he gave his only son.

    ROMANS 7:15


    R.S.V   I do not understand my own actions.

    K.J.V   Omitted

    MARK 16:19 AND LUKE 24:15 AND JOHN 8:1-10


    K.J.V    After the Lord spoke to them he was received up into heaven.

    R.S.V    Omitted in 1952 version and restored in the recent publications.

    (These verses were omitted in the revised standard version which was published

    in 1952, the same verses were restored in the next publication of 1972 after

    great controversy.

    These verses talk about the ascension of Jesus and the women who were taken in

    adultery. The Living Bible's commentators stated at its note p.79 that most

    ancient manuscripts omit John 7:53 - 8:1-11)

                            CHANGES OF VERSES


    LUKE 22:70


    K.J.V    Then they said, "Are you the son of God? He said unto them, "You

             said that I am."

    N.I.V    They all asked, "Are you the son of God? He said, "You are right

             in saying I am."

    L.B.V    They all shouted "Then you claim you are the son of God. And He

             replied YES I AM."

    DUET. 23:2


    K.J.V    A b*****d shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

    N.I.V    No one born of a forbidden marriage may enter the assembly of the


    G.N.B    No one born out of wedlock may be included among the Lord's people.

    HEBREW 12:8


    K.J.V    Then you are b******s, and not sons.

    R.S.V    Then you  

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