
To those who are taking SEROQUEL.. hear me!

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does this happen to you? like me right now if feel like im in a high mood. i feel the feeling when im drunk. hazy vision and i feel like i can alerady make conversation with people w/o thinking anything else. i really feel somewhat high. when actually earlier i feel a little confused and down. and now that i have took seroquel i feel i dunno.. haha. see. im a little high right now.




  1. Seroquel has never made me feel any kind of high.

    I take 200 mg. at bedtime to help me sleep.  Maybe something else you are taking is giving you the high feeling.  Best Wishes.

  2. I'm on Geodon (another anti...psychotic) and it's got the same effect. It's completely normal i think. The highs and lows are just a side effect.

  3. that is a side effect caused by the sedation seroquel causes.  You might want to talk to your doctor and see if he or she thinks it is cause enough to try you on something else.  There are many other medications similar to seroquel that do not do that.

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