
To those who do not consider Ahmadiyya Muslims question for you?

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We all believe that hadith Qudsi are very special right? So how can you justify what you are doing and saying when you read this hadith Qudsi?

Hadith Qudsi 25:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Allah (mighty and sublime be He) said:

"Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him."

It was related by al-Bukhari."

May i please remind you of the fact that Ahmadiyya follow the 5 pillars of Islam like any other Muslim? That most of them are very devoted to Allah?

So aren't you getting a bit worried saying they are no Muslis, because the International Muslim League decided they were not?

Isn't this decision directly against this hadith?

I think it is very brave of some of you to trust in mere humans, no matter how learned instead of trusting Allah. I think this hadith is clear enough!

Your input please?




  1. Refer to my answer:;...

    Put simply they are not muslim because they believ that prophet Muhammad was NOT the LAST and FINAL messenger and prophet of Allah. Therefore they go against the last sermon of prophet Muhammad.

    Furthermore, they do not have something called "self- reference". In your context, it means that it is written nowhere in the Quran that their Mirza Gulam(MAY HE BURN IN h**l) is/ will be a prophet. Whereas for Muhammad, the quran makes mention of this!!!  

  2. Faith is personal

    Allah knows.

  3. Ah.... its that Bukhari again :@  

  4. Anyone who believes in a prophet after Muhammed (sallAllahu alayhi wasalaam) is a kafir who has denied the Quran, the Muttwatir Hadith (including the last sermon where the Prophet said there would be no prophet after him) and the ijma (consensus) of the ulema

    You quoted the hadith of showing enmity to the awliya- Mirza Ghulam Ahmed was an awliya of shaytan only

    If Qadianis who believe Mirza Ghulam was a prophet are Muslims then so are Sikhs, Bahais, Nations of Islam and the followers of Musaylima!!!

  5. This hadith Doesnt apply to the Ahmadis.

    They are not devoted to God in the 1st place.They disobey God and his messenger Muhammad pbuh by claiming that Jesus died (astagfirullah) and Mahdi has come.

    Praying 5 times and fasting in Ramadan doesnt make anyone Muslim.

    This hadith is ONLY talking about the Muslims ,(ahlus sunnah wal jama'a)

    "....Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him."

    If u think it includes the Qadianis, then u also should include Jews,Christians.. even the idolators like Hindus...COZ they are also DEVOTED to God. ( according to ur theory)



    "You had obviously no answer for me when i rebuked your question yesterday and decided to block me. "


    I dint answer u yesterday coz i didnt feel like it. Its very obvious that ur knowledge of Islam is extremly LIMITED. I dont waste my time arguing with such people.

    No knowledgeable person will ever come up with this hadith to defend the Qadianis.

    I am guessing u r probably a  convert, aged between 40-45,  and in love/having affair with a qadiani guy.

    Anyways, study Islam more.

  6. You're Muslims. Don't worry about it. Just because you believe the Messiah has already come, doesn't make you kaafir. Even the Qur'an doesn't say that.

  7. I'm sorry, but Hadith Qudsi or any other narration in regards to enmity, hatred etc has no relevance when it comes to Qaidanis, it is void, simply because you lot are the perfect Hypocrites. So what if you follow the same 5 pillars as the rest of us Muslims. What about the 1001 other things which you do/believe against Islam, Prophet Muhammed, Qur'an and Hadith? These things are enough to denounce you Qadianis as Non-Muslims! Oh, and I can give you 1000's of examples.

    Have you ever realised that you Qaidanis desecrate everything that is sacrosanct to Muslims and yet you expect their religious sensitivities not to be aroused, still you expect them to remain calm and tolerant?

    You Qaidanis play with the religious sentiments of an entire nation of about 1.5 Billion Muslims all over the world and when they react to your blasphemies and infidelities, you create a human rights issue out of it.

    Stop decieving poor ignorant Muslims in the name of Islam. Give your creed any name other than Islam; and we Muslims will be as tolerant towards you as we are towards the people of other faith.

    May Allah show you Qaidanis what is right and what is wrong, open your heart for Islam and gives you the courage to accept the truth.

    May Allah protect Muslim Ummah from the Evil Forces of Qaidanism.


    EDIT: Sunflower,  I get the feeling you're an Ahamadiya in disguise, no doubt. Maybe one of the regular Ahmadiyas, under multiple accounts, wanting to kudos this evil sect, by pretending to be non-Ahmadiya, and believing this would auspicious Qaidanism. Most of what you quote is from Al-Islam (The Ahamdiya website), the one 99.9% of Muslims totally denounce. I've seen how you and the1q are so far up eachother's ***. If you're not the same person, then get a room guys!

    I get your point how it is not wise for Muslims to call others' Kafir or even Munafiq, as only God alone can be the judge of that. However, but when we look at the beliefs and the ways of certain people, sects, like the Qaidanis. Those who have spoke against the entire nation of Muslims, those who have tampered with the (translation of the) Qur'an and , and rejected the authenticity of Hadith. Then Allah's curse is upon such people, thus, if such people are cursed, then they can also be pronounced as hypocrites or Kafirs.

  8. I say that they are muslims, just don't believe Ghulam what his name was any special.;...

  9. The Dawn dated 21 January 2001

    "Islamabad, Jan 20: It has been reliably learnt that about 75 per cent of the cases, registered under the country's balsphemy law, are against its Muslim residents.

    It has been learnt that the percentage of aquittals and cases withdrawn under this category is quite high. Only one person was sentenced to death last year.

    These figures collected by the interior ministry, from the provincial headquarters, showed a situation which is completely opposite to the propaganda unleashed by the Western media organs and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) against Pakistan, that the blasphemy law is directed against the country's minorities.

    Details of cases collected from all over Pakistan except Sindh, which has yet to provide the required information to the interior ministry, reveal that a total of 122 blasphemy cases are registered or pending in the courts. 90 of these 122 cases have been registered against Muslim residents. Only 32 cases are registered or pending against minorities including Qadianis and Christians. Interestingly enough no blasphemy cases have been registered in Baluchistan.

    General Pervez Musharraf had announced last year to amend the procedure for the registration of blasphemy cases so that it is not misused. However, he could not proceed accordingly because of protests launched by religious groups in the country."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Note: unofficially this is being practised anyway, as the United Kingdom Home Office latest assessment of October 2000 indicates:

        "5.3.34 According to the Human Rights' Commission of Pakistan, the government's unofficial changes to the procedures for filing formal blasphemy charges made in 1995 have been followed by a significant drop in the number of charges. Since 1996 magistrates are required to investigate allegations of blasphemy to see whether they are credible before filing formal charges. [2a] From 1986 to 1993 over 200 Ahmadis were charged with blasphemy, although none were convicted. [7c] According to Amnesty International, in 1996 some 120 members of the Ahmadi community were charged with religious offences, including blasphemy. Ahmadis charged with blasphemy were often denied bail. [4b] "


    can u deny this:

    My position in relation to the prophets who came before me can be explained by the following example: A man erected a building and adorned this edifice with great beauty, but he left an empty niche, in the corner where just one brick was missing. People looked around the building and marveled at its beauty, but wondered why a brick was missing from that niche? I am like unto that one missing brick and I am the last in the line of the Prophets.

    (Bukhari, Muslim,Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad, Tirmizi, Babu Khatimin-Nabiyyin, Musnad Abu Dawud Tayalisi)

    God has bestowed upon me six favors which the former Prophets did not enjoy:


          I have been endowed with the gift of pithy and perfect speech.


          I was granted victory owing to my awe.


          The spoils of war were made lawful unto me.


          The whole earth has been made the place of worship for me and it has become the means of purification for me also. In other words, in my religion, offering of prayers is not confined to certain specified places of worship. Prayers can be offered at any place over the earth. And in case water is not available, it is lawful for my people to perform ablutions with earth (Tayammum) and to cleanse themselves with the soil, if water for bathing is scarce.


          I have been sent by Allah to carry His Divine message to the whole world.


          And the line of prophets has come to its final end in me.

          (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

    I am Muhammad, I am Ahmad, I am the effacer and infidelity shall be erased through me; I am the assembler. People shall be assembled on Doomsday after my time. And I am the last in the sense that no prophet shall succeed me.

    (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Muatta')

    You (Hazrat Ali) are related to me as Aaron was related to Moses (pbuh). But no Apostle will come after me.

    (Bukhari, Muslim

    Musnad recorded a similar hadith ending in 'Behold there is no prophethood after me.')

    If ever there arose a person from among my people who would hold communion with God, it would be none else but 'Umar bin Khattab.

    (Bukhari , Muslim, Tirmidhi)

    We are the last (ummah) but will precede all on the Day of Resurrection except that the Book was given to them before us.

    (Bukhari, Muslim)

    The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me.


    I am the last in line of the prophets of God and my Masjid is the last Masjid.


    The chain of Messengers and Prophets has come to an end. There shall be no Messenger nor Prophet after me.

    (Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmad, Anas bin Malik)

    There will arise thirty impostors in my Ummah and each one of them will pronounce to the world that he is a prophet, but I am the last in the line of the Prophets of God and no Prophet will come after me.

    (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)

    Allah will send no Apostle after me, but only Mubashshirat (Good vision or pious vision).

    (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Tufail, Nasa'i, Abu Dawud)

    No Prophet will come after me and there will, therefore, be no other community of followers of any new Prophet.

    (Baihaqi, Tabarani)

    God Almighty hath sent unto the world no apostle who did not warn his people about the appearance of Dajjal (Anti-Christ, but Dajjal did not appear in their time). I am the last in the line of Prophets and you are the last community of believers. Without doubt, then, Dajjal shall appear from amongst you.

    (Ibn Majah)

    I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah. I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah. I am Muhammad, the unlettered prophet of Allah. There will be no prophet after me.

    (Musnad Ahmad)

  10. i never called Ahmadies non-muslims. I just dont believe in what they believe and i dont like it when they temper with our beliefs to fit their's

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