
To those who had their membranes stripped?

by  |  earlier

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did it help you? how long afterwards did it take you to go into labor, and how far were you? i know the statistics on it, as far as it being of aid or not, i am curious for people personal experiences with it though. also did it hurt you, and did you have cramps and bleeding after? thankyou and blessings.




  1. Hi. I had it done twice (in two pregnancies)

    I can't remeber the dates I'm afraid, but I know that the second time was about a week overdue and it hurt like mad. Far worse than labour!

    1st time was about 8 days overdue and didn't really hurt.

    Neither worked! Still hung on for a good few more days.

  2. I had it done 3 times for 1 pregnancy. No it didn't work & yes I had lots of cramping & some mild spotting. It didn't really hurt, it was just uncomfortable.

  3. I had it done once, with my second pregnancy. It didn't work. I was a little crampy, but no bleeding.

  4. I went into labor immediately.... I had very painful contractions which would not stop. The contractions were not very productive, just intensely painful. I went to the hospital after three days of labor and was induced.

  5. With my 3rd child I had it done the day before I was due because we wanted to get the baby out so we could move house!!

    Went into hosp at 11, had it done, got home at about 12.30 - already contracting and in pain, and my son arrived 4 hours later!

  6. My doc stripped my membranes on Oct 23rd. My water broke on Oct 24th. I was due on the 28th. It didnt really hurt but it wasnt really pleasant either. It was uncomfortable because he was up there poking around. I heard a strange popping sound. I didnt have cramps or bleeding after.

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