
To those who has been to the Eiffel Tower...?

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Describe the feeling of being there... (-:




  1. It's just the same as the observation deck on the Empire State Building -- open and windy.

  2. Fabulous views, of course.

    Looks a lot higher up, once you are on the top level.

    Don't wear a hat unless it has ties under the chin.  Very, very windy so go up on a warm day unless you like your runny nose to freeze to icycles. Hee, hee.

  3. It was pretty amazing, after i recovered from walking up all those stairs.  They also have a elevator.  I went up twice once at night and once in the day.  TV doesnt prepare you for how enormous it is.

  4. You can see it from everywhere in Paris. After seeing it several times a day in a city as amazing as Paris, it makes it more special when you actually  go there. I thought the top observation deck was not that special, you will be in awe at the 2nd deck.

  5. It's a bit chilly up there, and taking the stairs is exhausting.  There is also a cafe/restaurant which you can sit and eat.

  6. I just wanted to comment on the last answer.  The tower is not rusty.  It is painted brown and they are constantly painting and monitoring it.

  7. After seeing the Eiffel Tower in movies and on TV your whole's just a major highlight in your life.  Kind of an accomplishment to travel that far and experience what many people around the world only hear about.  Having said all that - I did not like Paris as much as I thought I might.  The people were fine (not rude like you hear) and the city wasn't necessarily dirty (like some say).  It's just that the buildings all kind of blended together and looked the same.

  8. the tower is rusty, nice view at the top if you make it past the pick pockets at the bottom

  9. i am deathly afraid of heights, but my seeing the eiffel tower made me realize that this opportunity doesnt always come so easy. i was thinking about waiting in the park while my family climbed to the first story of the tower. instead, i told myself that i needed to overcome my fear, and do it! instead of going on the first story, i asked my parents if we could just pay to go all the way to the top. it took a long time to get up due to the overcrowding of lines and what not. when i got up there, i felt so uneasy. but took a chance and went to the edge and looked down. it was the most memorable moment of my life. i felt the cool parisian air hit my face, and i felt so alive. i couldnt stop  smiling, and i screamed out loud, " i survived coming up here!!!!!!!!!'" alot of foreigners looked at me funny, some smiled, and a group of english speakers that were probably american like myself gave me high fives. when i went back down to the grounds, i felt so weak in the knees and i couldnt dad had to carry me. i was in shocked mode. i still couldnt believe that i went up there. that was the best feeling in the world...knowing that i fought one of my fears away. when you go up there, i hope that you will experience the same feeling like i did, or maybe better, but just remember to keep all valuable things out of your pockets!!

  10. i went on a foggy day so i think a lot of the luster i was expecting was quelched a bit. plan accordingly for the weather, for sure, to get the full effect.

    it was cool in that one day we missed the train stop and got off one past it - we had to walk back across the bridge and got a fantastic view of the eiffel that we wouldn't have otherwise. i recommend it highly.

    oh - and the vendors at the bottom sell cigarette lighters that light up (pictures of the tower) - i bought a ton of them! they are so cool. too bad airport security has taken them from me over the years (has to be in checked baggage if you plan to bring them back). i would love to get another if i could! they are great souviner gifts (even those who don't smoke loved them!)

  11. Magestic. You really think you know what it is going to feel lie but then it blows you away. it is unimaginable.

  12. It is very high and very ...... Windy !

  13. If you're willing to wait in long lines--it's amazing just looking at all the people and watching the skyline. Going at night is even better.

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