
To those who read Da Vinci Code: Have you noticed this about the inside cover?

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I had to read the book for a project and I was really bored and I noticed that the summary on the inside jacket had some letters bolded. So I wrote down the letters on a paper and came out with "is the reno help for the widow son". Does anyone know what this means?

I know what I did was extremely geeky. Don't make fun of me.




  1. It's not "The reno"

    It's "Is there no help for the widow son"

  2. It's a clue for a web quest from the Da Vinci Code movie.

  3. if you change the spacing of "the reno" the sentence becomes:

    "Is there no help for the widow son"

    It's a title of a famous speech given by the Joseph Smith to Mormons in 1974 to establish relations between the Freemasons and the Mormons. You can see these relations in the designs in Mormon churches.

    The phrase itself is from the Book of Enochs, now also a reference to both Mason and Mormon traditions. Also popular among historical fiction about illuminati.

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