
To (those whom actually seen and experienced a ghost or spirit), can you describe in details your?

by  |  earlier

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What did it look like, what form, shape did it take...

What color was it, was it see through, or shadow like...

Did it float, or walk on the floor, or through the floor...

Was it orb, cloud, mist, shadow, human details.....what???

Did it notice you, did it speak out loud, telepathy...explain?





  1. it was heavy feeling  on ur mind cant control u can attempt xclusiv behaviour  if something is over ur head cant xplain that ,but it is like  u r out of time floating

  2. I didn't actually see anything except a dark shadow. It was definitely something tho. It only appeared at night and i would feel heavy pressure on my chest when I was trying to sleep. When I opened my eyes I would see a dark shadow moving away. And alot of weird things happened in my house, always at night. Things moved around, etc. Whatever it was, it was not a good spirit I could definitely feel that. I am so glad I moved and no longer have to deal with that.

  3. My ex was throwing a party at his house one night. The parties were always held in the basement where the stereo system was. Not only was it more spacious down there, but the lights in the front room and hallway were burnt out until he could buy more light bulbs.

    I wanted to get something out of my ex's bedroom, so I headed upstairs. I would have to walk through the kitchen, into the front room, and down the hall to get to my ex's room.

    I braced myself going through the kitchen, being the only room with light, getting ready to head into darkness that I was afraid of in the first place. "Maybe I should have brought someone along with me," I thought, "But, I'm pretty tipsy so I should be fine with courage, okay, here goes," and I walked through the light-fading, darkened front room, and started down the hallway.

    I was just about to reach around the doorway to flick the bedroom light on when an older man about 5'11" with a stern look on his face appears out of no where blocking the entryway to the bedroom. He was grayish white and didn't say a word, just looked at me strictly.

    Fear struck through me. I started walking backwards feeling the wall to guide me trying to breathe but my lungs closed up. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't inhale air. I kept my focus on him and as I backed away, the man started fading. Once I was back in the kitchen I found my breath and tried to calm down. Wondering if what I really saw was real.

    Back downstairs people were asking if I was okay since I looked pale, and ironically, would jokingly say, "It looks like you've seen a ghost".

  4. I thought I hadn't seen any..but I just remembered this. One time..when horrible things were being done to me..which I believe now were witchcraft...I was in bed. I woke up and there were 2 men in robes standing beside me. One of them said,"This one will be's a 'creamy'". I had the feeling I was going to be cremated. Scared me to death! I jumped up and ran into the other room. I know some on here will say it was sleep paralysis  or a dream. I don't know. I don't remember their faces...just the robes.

  5. ...while sitting in a chair in my living room at a house I lived in while in Kansas, I laid a book down on the end table and looked up...there was an apparition of an American Indian boy, about age 12-ish standing next to me...he was facing away from me and when he turned to look at me and I looked at him, he seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see him...then he faded away...He was an Indian boy, but he was dressed in bibbed overalls and his appearance was only down to his knees and was "see through"...for an odd reason, I was not scared...I felt like I was invading "his" space rather then he invading mine...I did not hear anything with this words or other sounds...just the ghost...I felt sorry for him if he died that young

  6. when he comes he present himself as a gray mist when he comes i feel sadness i cry and i have heart palpitations does any one have heart palpitation it's weired wright just that sadness sometimes i have hard time to control myself with crying that's how he's communicate with me and also he comes in my dreams I'm wondering why he's so sad about also I'm seeing sparkles around people and floaters dark in color i use to see shadows dark shadows usually when something bad is about to happened to me

  7. I've seen dozens over the years, but here's a few.  My grandfather used to come to me as a child; he looked solid so he didn't scare me.  We had actual conversations.  There was an abandoned residential school in a large house on my street as a child.  Looking in the window, boosted up by my friends, I saw about 6 or 7 ghost kids walking around in there as if going to classes, carrying books etc.  They looked transparent, but I could see them clearly.  The scariest I saw was a murder victim.  Fortunately she didn't look as she did in death.  I saw her as all white and almost mist-like.  Sometimes they do communicate with me, but their words don't come out of their mouths.  I just hear them in my head.  Once on an investigation, I asked the little boy ghost in the house his name.  He turned and wrote it on the wall "Jacob."

  8. I have seen lots of ghost in my life, but I do go looking for them.  They come in all types. Some look as real as me and you, human and animal, they are rare but are the most likely to be seen by everyone. Others range from solid white to thin almost glass like wisps.  Then there are the black ghost that are so black that you can't see any detail, they almost look like a painted on the wall look.  They move very fast when they are see and can slip into corners of walls, I think that they maybe 2 dimensional beings.  Creepy.  Some ghosts are different colors and  and I'm not sure what thats about.  Some are just like a mist or smoke and don't seem to take a shape.  Others are just little lights like a bright led light.  I can communicate with some by telepathy.  I also use a recorder to help me remember what I was doing and it picks up spirit voices all the time (EVP's).  I have seen them walking, running, dancing, and just sitting there.  The mist ones just float by and quite often you can't see any feet on ghosts.

  9. Well. I was once in an hospital/asylum that was basically brutal when it was open.  As I was walking through I heard things being thrown(like small rocks) behind me and in front of me as well as some voices(however, i do not contribute that to a spirit because there was the chance of somebody else being in the building). At one point my friend said something and I started laughing pretty loud and I felt something hit my chest and I fell over. For a while I had this pressure and slight pain on my chest and when I looked there was a mark that looked like I was punched or hit. I don't think whatever it was liked the joke.

    As far as seeing things goes, I would sometimes see a figure (dark, slightly see through) that was in the shape of a woman in my doorway of my bedroom in my old house accompanied with occasional opening and closing of the door. I saw it a few times on thr outside of the front door of the house that had not been able to be opened for at least 20 years(we had a side door near the driveway and a back door that we used).

  10. I could, but I don't want to write a book just yet. Each encounter with the paranormal has been different, almost textbook. A sound, a voice, a light, a shape, a person, a feeling, an object moved, another vanishing, a conversation, a touch. Not your everyday,'well it could've been...' No. Unexplainable.

    Fortunately for me, the events have been few and far between, and I cannot 'ask' them to happen.

    Life on Earth is a kindergarten for new souls, myself included, and there's much more going on than we're taught in school. My advice is stay close to God and the forces of good, so there'll be no nasty surprises when we graduate!

  11. It was the figure of a man, it didn't have a face or anything just a figure.

    It was black and it looked solid you could not see through it.

    I couldn't tell, I was focused on the upper part, the part that was looking at me.

    It was just a figure. No details just a plain figure.

    I think it noticed me. It was there facing towards me in a corner. I felt like it was what I heard in the bathroom, or one of them at least. I felt 2 of them whispering because when I turned around I heard this brief whisper.

  12. When I was a child (three years), my family lived on a parcel of land across the street from a cemetary and sandwiched between two very old 'homesteader' graveyards (one was 125 years old at the time - now 150 years). I told my parents that there was a man in my room who would play with me, and they thought it was an imaginary friend. One afternoon, I was very upset because the man was playing with a particular toy truck, and wouldn't give it back.

    My father gave me a long talk - I remember it well - about light/shadows and imaginary/real, and then walked me into the room to help me face my fear. When I reached for the truck, a long shadow moved from the wall down to the floor, and the truck rolled back and forth of its own accord.

    The funny thing about this was that my father was terrified by this event, and I was not - I was just ticked off that the ghost wasn't sharing!

  13. I saw an evil spirit. It was human shaped but it seemed like it changed.. It was a very dark black and gray...

    Also it never showed its face but i saw the hands and the nails were very big and black and dirty..

    A very bad smell and i felt scared and desperate!

    Once one made some appliances in my house go on and off a couple of times then i saw a black cape out the window!

  14. I put my daughter to sleep, she was a baby. She was in the crib and I was in the rocking chair beside her. It was silence and calm, I started to fall asleep. I close my eyes for one second, and when I opened it up again, I saw this little girl standing in front of me, about 4 years-old, brunette, long dark hair, in a long dress and with hands put together as if she was praying... when she saw I was looking at her, she disappeared.

    The other night, I was watching TV alone in the family room and I saw a man sitting on the other chair. He was not looking at me, actually it seems he was watching TV with me... then he disappeared. By the way, it was a spiritual movie about reincarnation.

    The other night, I was praying for my oldest daughter, she has been giving me a lot of concerns lately, and my spirit left my body and went down to her bedroom, but I couldn't get inside her bedroom, because there was a spirit by the door, and he/she didn't let me get inside. He/she was tall and was wrapped in a white sheet from head to toe, but I could see his/her eyes, he/she looked like a mummy... that one was not a good one...

    I had dreams with my spirit guide. The first time, I was in the hospital 18 years ago, after my daughter was born, and I saw him standing beside my bed while I was resting/sleeping. I had the chance to see him in other occasions, but the last time, we hugged each other. He is tall and my face was in his chest height, but the love I felt from him was immense.

    I have seen other spirits around too and I think I saw my daughter's spirit guide the other night. She was whispering in my daughter's ears.


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