
To travel to brazil??

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i want to travel to cuiaba to see my foreign exchange friends but my parents dont think it is safe over there but i would like to convice them soo i can see my friends over there does any one have any tips about brasil and how it is really over there and how i could get them to change their mind




  1. Cuiaba is a country city, similar with Kansas in USA.

    Many Farms and vegetables cultives. Very Security.

    Next to Amazon Forest.

    Only care with vacines, it´s necessary to do one 10 days before to departure to Cuiaba.

  2. d**n that last person sounds like they are really pissed off.  any way tell them anywhere you can be dangerous and that should not stop you from going places.  Just got to know whenre you are going whe you are walking around

  3. Cuiabá it´s not unsafe, specially if you will not be by your own...the only thing you should be very caution is the weather...very hot all year long and very dry in "winter" time. Sun light is fierce!

    Just yesterday was low=24C. (75F.) and high=40C. (104F.), and air humidity reaching 15% afternoon (desert is around 10%!).

  4. Another way to increase your comfort level, and that of your parents, is to study Portuguese. Cuiaba is probably safer than most places you might visit instead of Brazil.

  5. you sound young .. are you in your teens?      If so ..The best way to convince them is to educate yourself about Brazil as much as possible.   Read as many websites as you can about the country .   .. About the culture .. the music..  the people .. the language ..   the government .. the crime..       learn as much as you can.   Show them you can be mature about the subject..  and that you're not just jumping into something you dont know anything about.    

    Bring up the subject every once in a while with them ..   such as.. *Did you know Brazil has___ *  or   * Did you know Brazil is the most ___*      *Did you know that the Portuguese language  ___  *..  ect .. some general facts to show them how interested you really are.

    The fact is ..  theres crime everywhere in the world.. it doesn't matter where you go.    Whether you are traveling inside the US .. or another country..  u still need to take the same precaution

    Good Luck


    Oh yea .. a great book to start you off is this:

    Its a great book and easy to read.  It tells you everything .. and also about all the states and cities for when you travel

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