I was diagnosed with higher than normal levels two years ago so the Doctor put me on 20mg Lipitor and "Yes" it worked within three weeks I dropped down to a perfect level. The thing is I have had a bad back for 10 years with prolapsed discs, so when the doctor asked me if I had noticed any muscle pains etc I said no because I always feel back pain. I did however say to my wife that usually my back pain got a bit better and I always have it now, I put it down to my back getting worse and old age. Now, the other day I read up on Lipitor sideffects and decided to go off them , I thought to myself "Stuff it" I'm sick of taking these radical drugs and what they could be doing to me, now after three days I have noticed my shoulder, and knee pain gone, my back pain is better, my urine output is stronger, my sexual drive is stronger, even my neck pain that I had continuously for two years is gone, is this all in my head or what? I am telling the truth.