
To wax or not to wax?

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So I'm starting 11th grade next week, and I'm getting my upper lip waxed.

Someone told me last year that I had a slight mustache, well they didn't say it quite that nicely, and when I went to the bathroom to check, I could see it. My mother thinks I'm being absurd, and my dad just tells me that it'll go away. My doctor said that if it'll make me feel better, then wax it, but she can barely see it. I want it gone before school starts, because I don't want to have to deal with a situation like that again. It was really embarassing, and kind of rude the way the person pointed it out. Should I wax it, or just let it be? Is my dad right, will it go away?




  1. everyone has 'peach fuzz' there but if urs is like dark colored then yea get it waxed or just get hair bleaching cream and bleach it that way you wont get like little black hairs grow back, and actually have a mustache!  

  2. honestly, you probably won't feel settled on the inside until you wax it. it might go away, or it might not be noticable like  your doctor said, but inside you won't feel 'right' until you do it.

    ... i dont know, thats just my take on it.  

  3. wax it. if its gonna bother you why not. waxing doesn't hurt anything and no it will not go away. once you wax it, you can tweeze it every couple of days to keep it under control.

    it doesn't grow back thicker or faster either. that is a myth. believe me i'm a cosmetologist so of all people we know the facts.

  4. pluck.  

  5. just wax my friend had a problem with that too.

    but there is also a cream you can find at your local ride aid or walgreens. that dosn't hurt as much.

    you can use that.

  6. just wax it it's no big deal

  7. if it dosnt go away in a year, wax it

  8. To all you girls who are debating "to wax or not to wax" just a little t*t bit to make you all envious.....Chinese girls do not have hair growing on their legs or faces....OK carry on the discussions.  

  9. wont go away...i wish

    i just waxed mine yesterday at a nail salon and you dont feel anything!!! It's very quick and just feels like a pinch,.

  10. Dont wax it!!

    I waxed my eyebrows, and now it is such a hassle to deal with. Just tweeze it or let it be. :)

  11. its no big deal to wax it,

    I'm 12 years old, and i wax my upper lip.

    hair doesn't go away on your lip or arms or anything. just sorta your head. and you will probably feel more confident knowing nothings there.

  12. jeez no need to be so vain....

    if someone makes fun of you for a slight mustache, make fun of them for their buck teeth. no need to change your looks because of being afraid of being made fun of or something. take it and roll with it. personally i like a lil fuzz on the lip as long as it isnt thicker than mine o.O

    (actually no i don't.... maybe you chould do something with it, if you dislike it so much)

  13. Go with what the doctor says. If you want to, wax it but do it several days before school because it will likely irritate your skin and you don't want to go to school with puffy, sensitive skin.

    And I'm afraid it isn't going to go away. Everyone has hair on their upper lip and it is often slightly darker than elsewhere but most people aren't bothered by it.

    You can also look into permanent removal for the future. Dark hairs can be removed with laser treatment but that can be expensive and take multiple trips so start doing your research now.

  14. Go ahead and wax my friend got MRSA from shaving. I'd hate to see you get MRSA of the face. She got MRSA of the crotch!

  15. wax

  16. If your doctor, mother, and father cant see it then you most likely don't have a mustache. If you still feel insecure bleach it or wax it.

  17. Wax you hairy cow. wax the hair of your hairy neck. fattie

  18. leave it alone. from experience any waxing on any body part... especially the face will be painful.. it will just lead to more thicker hair growth  
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