
To what degree should governments encourage nationalistic feelings among citezens?

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To what degree should governments encourage nationalistic feelings among citezens?




  1. Governments should "earn" nationalistic feelings not "encourage" them.  If such feelings have to be "encouraged" then the government has a basic problem.  Good government doesn't need to encourage its populace to appreciate it.

  2. On the subject of the Canadian governments, I hope they stop Harper to be a copycat of Bush, a total failure in our time, Canada is to much a beautiful country to be sold out like they are doing here in the US, shame the American people are let it happen, not too late for the Canadians.

  3. 1. If you belief in theocracy - ans = none.

    2. If you are true communist, ans = none.

    3. If you are universalist, ans = none.

    4. If you are a fascist, ans = total.

    5. If you flip burgers for McDonalds,

    ans = as much as if helps to sell murdered cows and destroying argentinian/brazilian ecology.

    6. If you live in New Hampshire,

    ans = as long as you can live free or die and then die free or die.

    7. If you work in pharmaceuticals,

    ans = as long as it promotes purchase of medicine to be restricted within the country.

    8. If you work for the music and movie recording industry,

    ans = as much as it encourages lobbying congress to increase penalty on pirating and sharing over policing drugs and violence. And if it increase use of FBI power to pay higher priority to the music/movie industry over violation of a poorly paid worker's freedom of expression.

    9. If you work for an authoritarian government,

    ans = as much as it allows our current government to continue occupation of Iraq.

    10. If you support the war in Iraq and McCain,

    Ans = As much as American soldiers continue to be in Iraq for the next 100 years.

    11. If you support the auto unions,

    Ans = as much as it allows unions to cripple local auto industry and send jobs to mexico, europe and china and continue making combustion engine pollution-generating cars. As much as it supports the unions in their negotiation for benefits that are no longer available to most American workers.

    12. If you are a pro-life Social Conservative.

    As much as we have the right to consume goods and encourage the consumption of goods to improve the American economy, even though we realise our consumption may be gradually killing babies (born or unborn) in other countries due to starvation and malnutrition due to climate abberation/change. As much as our economic machine helps us to perform abortion of unborn babies in 3rd world countries thro malnutrition and climate abberation without the need of surgical abortion.

    13. If you belief in your own freedom and the freedom of your friends and family and community,

    ans = NONE NONE NONE.

    It is not the business of the government. They should sit in their seat to govern and provide infrastructure. It is YOU, it is YOURs and MY job to encourage nationalistic feelings to the degree we feel comfortable. In fact you should glue their pants tight and tie their shoe laces so tight that they cannot change roles but to govern, govern and govern.

    As much as you, your friends, family and community is able to express freely and they are encouraged to participate in actions that allow us to improve and defend ourselves as individuals and our community as a whole.

    Don't be lazy and don't be crazy. Don't let your government do it. Not at all.

  4. They should not do that at all.  Nationalism breeds hatred of other countries, racism, and eventually wars.  Hitler was overly nationalistic, and look what happened.   Governments should encourage their people to honor and respect all nations and all humanity, even those that are "different".  That is the only way we will ever be able to have peace.

  5. not to the degree where their  lives are in jeopardy....

  6. Round up those who aren't brainwashed Neo-Cons or brainwashed Socialists and put them in prison camps for reeducation. You must vote mainstream Republican or Democrat and agree with their talking heads on TV. If you are not a party line towing Dem or Rep you are absolete and must be cleansed. All your opinions must originate from things you were told by the major networks.

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