
To what extent are gender stereotypes true?

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For example you hear people say things like men are stronger than women, and women are more emotional than men.

What percentage of the time would you say these statements and other gender stereotypes are true.




  1. Well, men are definitely stronger and more athletic on average. This isn't just a stereotype. It's a biological fact. Males have more testosterone in their body, which makes a Male's body more suited for building muscle and also gives males more aggression, which charges them up to be more active. But of course, there are also plenty of men that are small and weak and there are plenty of women that are huge and strong. But ON AVERAGE, most men are stronger and more athletic than most women.

    Also, the supposed stereotype that men are more horny than women is absolutely true, based on my experiences and observations, as well as the fact that males can biologically spread around their genes all over the place and so they have a natural instinct to do so, while women have to deal with pregnancy and therefore are naturally wired to be more choosy about who and when they have s*x. Of course, there are women out there that seem to be extremely horny (although, extremely super-horny women are often the result of a psychological disorder and aren't really horny, they're just screwed up somehow). And I guess there might be a man or two out there that's not so horny. But ON AVERAGE, almost all men I know m********e constantly and search for s*x constantly and lust after women everyday of their life. Meanwhile, most women I know, even the cool ones that talk about s*x all the time are still very reserved about s*x compared to men and display a relatively miniscule s*x drive compared to men when it really comes down to it.

    But other things, like the stereotype that women are more emotional is somewhat up for debate. On one hand, women do have more drastic changes in their hormone levels all the time, which makes them seem "crazy", while male's hormonal levels are more even. But still, I see a lot of men that are clearly very emotional.

    These are just a few examples. Based on these examples, I guess it kind of seems to me that most gender stereotypes are at least based on some form of biological truth. But there is also a lot more to it and each individual person is different. So in conclusion, I'd say that most gender stereotypes are probably HALF TRUE but HALF FALSE.

  2. I think they're true in the majority of cases. Most gender stereotypes are actually biological fact; apart from physical differences, like strength and muscle mass, the brains of men and women are wired differently.

    Men are more right-brained and so tend to think visually, are better at science and mathematical subjects, and don't express emotions as well.

    Women are left brained and so find it easier to communicate and relate to others, and are more concerned with forming relationships than status.

    Of course there are people who don't fit the stereotypes, and those people shouldn't have to fit their gender role if they don't think it's right for them. But I feel that these exceptions are due to socialisation and learned behaviour.

    Society may perpertuate stereotypes, but the basis for them is biological.

  3. I think many steroypes become truths over time, as we internalize them-gender roles are assigned, they aren't usually instinctive. We become programmed (i.e., pink for girls; blue for boys, women are feminine; man are masculine, white women are soft; black women are hard, and so on).

  4. Society creates sterotypes, but many of them are severly outdated. IN the old days women wouldn't be encouraged to do sports and would wear tight corsets so of course they would be weaker. And boys are still encouraged to 'man up' and not show emotions.

    When peopel realise they are sterotypes then they can just get on with life and be themselves.

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