
To what extent are immigrants and foreigners accepted in France?

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There are alot of different races and nationalities in France nowadays. What were the French peoples reaction when immigrants first started coming to France. And what about in more recent times, are they accepted now? Or is there alot of racial abuse?




  1. not more as USA ....every people can use urban buses or swimmingpool without racial abuse ....

  2. extremely friendly, no  problem

  3. According to studies done by the Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE) there is considerable racial discrimination in employment practices.

    A study done by the Security Services concluded that police offices were routinely insensitve to non-Europeans and that outright racism was commonplace.

    NB: Please note that this are not mere opinion. These are the conclusions of studies done by the French government itself.

    So if anyone wants to complain about these facts then go complain to the French government which is the source of them.

  4. France has always been a country to immigrate to in the last two centuries. The first generation, because they came in huge waves, could expect a reaction (not as bad as 'no dog and no Irish' in the States but some racism). Usually by the second generation they had been integrated through the school system that allowed for nothing but French citizen. It didn't matter if your parents were Russians, Spaniards,  Italians, you were taught that you were French and nothing else mattered, wiping out all differences. The mandatory military service for men just put a final touch to that.


    The system started to break down when the immigrants came from (mostly) North Africa. Not only was there a huge difference in life style but those people were not expected to stay so nothing was done to integrate them, putting them in enclaves where they lived until they (supposedly) left. When the second generation was born politicians stuck their head in the sand and refused to acknowledge that those immigrants had settled down and their French children needed to be integrated in a population that until now had been homogeneous and given the opportunity that every immigrant had had until now to get better at each generation,  and things started to go from salvageable with a little effort to very bad. We have now the third and fourth generation growing up as poor as their parents and angry.

    As for racial abuse, let's not blind ourselves, there is racism in France. A homogeneous population will not accept easily to bend and change to swallow up a large amount of newcomers so different from it and the first reaction is reject. Though I have been told by my friends (both of North Africa and African descent) that they meet much less of it compared to a generation ago it still exists. After the survey Rillifane mentions there's been a huge campaign to make people aware of their rights and who to contact if they are discriminated against.

  5. french now r more raciste than before  specially for  migrants from north africa and africa, but i think its hard to stop this migaration , now  french people  is mixed races eve the originally french people r in the way of extintion

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