
To what extent are our perceptions manipulated by the media. How should i tackle this essay, any good points?

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I need some important points and rebuttals because im pretty confused now. thanks!




  1. the pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money and therefore they have a lot of power. they give gifts to govt officials to get their meds passed. they also control other govt agencies. other countries laugh at our healthcare b/c we don't question anything they prescribe.

    have you ever seen a commercial for a medication where the side effects of taking it are not as bad or worse than the condition you already have? several warn that you might die from taking them. how is this possible without corruption?

  2. i did this for a year 11 essay. alot of this is propaganda driven by the government. for example if you remember when america invaded iraq there was the so called 'triumphant' moment when the statue of saddam was trampled over and it was seen as a great moment of victory. it looked like there was many happy iraq people demolishing the statue but truth was it was only a small percentage of actual iraq inhabitants. a lot of the so called 'angry mob' were look alike journalists made to look like a mob. the cameras were zoomed in making it look like a lot more people than it really was. i could go on. but look it up for yourself. good luck with your essay.

  3. This seems confusing but heres the topic in more understandable terms.

    How are people's perception of life changed by media (computer video magazines internet)

    You could go a million different ways with this.

    For Example:

    How movies/TV make teenagers affect ideas about s*x.

    How media makes drugs/alcohol seem attractive.

    How news is so censored.

    How diets and food trends can be harmful or helpful.

    How Music can cause violence, hate, and change perception and ideals.

    How expensive clothes/skinnyness(?) or TV figures can make people insecure.

    These are just a few of the many things you can do.  

    My BIGGEST ADVICE: Pick a topic that integrates something that interests you, or that is just interesting to you.  It makes the research, writing, drafting so much easier and more enjoyable.

    I wish you good luck! Pick something cool, you'll nail it!

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