
To what extent did the political and economical status of Egypt affect/change the Egyptians?

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Do you beleive that the political history and the wars and the deteriorating economy had an effect on our personality? How about our morals and traditions?

Please elaborate in your answers...




  1. Sure it affect us all,

    Wars, political and economical status in Egypt changed many things in the Egyptian personality and behaviors and way of living,

    But I can say that TV alone changed the Egyptian personality more than all the above .

    Your question is not easy one, I can write alot about this subject, but you know, I don't like the Egyptian personality this days,

    miss u hope, and wish you the best dayman ya rab,

  2. Thats a tough question Hope.

    I'll just say "Welcome back n u have to explain :D"

  3. Egyptians are currently very polarized because there is a lack of good leadership to bring the people of the country together on common issues. Did you know that when the last  big protest was organized the mobile phone networks were taken down so that people couldn't send SMS messages? There will always be systems to stop people getting together.

    Egyptians as individual people have not changed- for example it is not an excuse because someone cant afford to marry to harass a women in the street. Perhaps we hear more about it now through methods of communication being easier.

    The reporters that have been in Egypt reporting on the lack of food issue, i bet they were still offered to take tea with the families.

    Egyptians are very giving but also very forgiving, it has always been like this from what I understand of Egyptian history.  I just hope isa after about three years in reality that the food and money issues are better in the country than what they are now.

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