
To what extent do players who switch from League to Union get ridiculed for being thick as pig swill?

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Well spotted Gloomytunes.




  1. how about the ridicule the gin & tonic boys at twickers must get for having to bring in a maori winger as they can't produce any of their own!!

    to the star who claims rl players aren't strong enough to play union-you are an idiot & please see several examples of rl players who showed up the raa raa's

    lesley vainikolo

    jason robinson

    john bentley

    gary connoly

    and so on

    p.s if rl players aren't as strong as the ru mob what about the wigan Vs bath cross code games of the mid 90's!!

  2. This is a rugby question, right?

  3. Jason Robinson didn't.

    But league players generally can't cut it in Union. They aren't strong enough.

  4. To the same extent Union players, who switched to league  got 3+ decades ago.........before union became is all down to money and getting another chance to gain an international cap under a different code!

    The Volcano comes to mind!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Far too much...

    and then when they cut predictable defences to pieces those pundits begin to forget what they originally said.

    It's the rah-rahs in the media who perpetuate this c**p.

  6. do you mean the players that gain international honours before they have played a dozen league games ?

    or the ones like Ashton who is top of the try scoring charts for Northampton ?

    i suppose when you get players who are looking to score trys and not kick the ball away or wait for a break down and a penalty it would seem stupid to the rah rahs

    its all pile on and lets kick another jolly pen and cheer

    At least some of the coaches in union are looking for players with skill and speed and are getting league players and coaches in to help out the ailing sport of union

    at least some are looking for younger league players and not ones who can't carry on in league due to injury but can play on for years in union

    form prop forward in league swaps to union and plays centre

    says it all me thinks

    for the guy who thinks its about stegnth !

    Scott Gibbs swapped codes and played for St Helens when he returned to union he was hailed as a world beater with just the size of his hits never mind the skills and work ethic he had picked up

    loads of headlines for him during the lions tour in union yet when he wrote his autobiography the best games he played in are all league games the bigest was the challange cup at wembley and for a guy who played at the top level in both codes he states league is faster harder and more skillful

    union was never truely amatuer it was more shamatuer as the boot money being paid to players was rife

    i know as i got paid for playing union during the amatuer/shamatuer years

  7. different levels for different players, but i am still waiting for a union COACH to show us what they are made of by switching and gaining international status.

  8. They're by no means thick, they do it for the money!

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